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Детство и семья А.П. Чехова


Детство и семья А.П.Чехова
Владимир Ячменёв
Виолетта Добрынина
Вероника Заграничнова
Лиза Гладикова
Дарина Иванова


Родители А.П.Чехова
Anton Chekhov's father,
Pavel Egorovich, brought up
his children in great
strictness. Having saved up
money, he opened a grocery
store in Taganrog. Helping
his father in trade has
become a mandatory
occupation for his sons. But
Pavel Egorovich himself was
not particularly enthusiastic
about the merchant business.
He paid much more attention Mother - Evgenia Yakovlevna, a
to church service and social wonderful hostess, very caring and
loving, lived exclusively the life of her
children and husband.


Братья и сестра
The Chekhov family had six children: Alexander, Nikolai, Anton,
Mikhail, Ivan and Maria.


Детство А.П.Чехова
Chekhov's childhood left a painful mark on the
writer's memory.Anton Pavlovich was born on
January 17 (29), 1860 in the port city of
Taganrog, Yekaterinoslav province (now the
Rostov region). He was the third child of six in
the family. The writer's grandfather was a serf
at one time, but thanks to hard work and thrift,
he was able to buy freedom for his family
The house in which A.P.
Chekhov was born.


Обучение А.П.Чехова
His education at the gymnasium was
the beginning of his future activities.
Here a vision of the classical world
begins to form, a love for literature
appears, and small creative works
come out from under the first.
When Anton turned 16,
there were significant
changes in his life. Having
failed, his father moved
the whole family to
Moscow, and the future
writer remained to study in
Taganrog alone. Freed
from the shop, Anton
greatly improved his
academic achievements.


Высказывания А. П. Чехова
«В человеке должно быть все
прекрасно: и лицо, и одежда, и
душа, и мысли.»
«Тогда человек станет лучше,
когда вы покажете ему, каков
он есть. »
«Жизнь дается один раз, и хочется
прожить ее бодро, осмысленно, красиво.»


Любимый писатель наш –
Твоим мы гордимся трудом,
Ты – века ушедшего – эхо,
Летящее в каждый наш дом.
Великий писатель наш –
Поэзию с детства любил;
И был почитателем смеха,
А прозою мир покорил…
Спасибо за внимание!
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