Category: biologybiology

Humpback whales


Humpback whales
Prepared by student of 10 "В"
Vyacheslav Semin


Humpback whales
• Whales are the biggest animals in the world. The type that we are going
to talk about today is almost the smallest of the whales, but it is still
impressive in size. Also they are differ by their agility and mobility.


whale sizes
• The body length of such whales is 17.5-19.5
meters, and the mass is 50 tons. In comparison,
the length of a humpback whale is slightly more
than half of a basketball court. This is almost 2
times smaller than the largest type of whales,
the blue whale.


History of
• Humpback whales are one of the oldest
mammals on the planet, which is
confirmed by fossil remains, the age of
which is about 5 million years.
The humpback was first described in
1756 and got its name due to the shape
of the fin, similar to a hump.


Features of
humpback whales
• Humpback whales sing the longest and most
diverse songs among whales. One song can
last to 30 minutes.
• They also differ in the collection of food. First,
they beat the water with their tail, and then
collect the stunned fish with their mouth
• Humpback whales are the most bouncy type
of whales. They can jump out to a height up
to 15 meters.


Reasons for the
extinction of
humpback whales
• Significant damage to the population was
caused by humans, as a result of which
about 90% of humpback whales were
exterminated by the middle of the last
century. The big blame lies on commercial
whaling vessels.
• Current threats to humpback whales
include collisions with ships, underwater
noise and ocean pollution.


• A 15-meter sculpture resembling a whale
stranded on a Philippine beach was built.
The authors used plastic bottles, cans and
garbage bags as the material - a total of
about 60 kilograms of household waste.


A way to
solve humpback whale
• A total ban on the whale hunting has been in
place since 1966 by the International
Whaling Commission. Currently the
humpback whale catch is limited to a few
whales per year off the Caribbean Island of


• After the ban on fishing, the
number of humpback whales
began to recover, so that the
status of the species in the IUCN
Red List in 1990 was changed
from a threatened species to a
vulnerable species.
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