The lecture course «Building material science»
Category: ConstructionConstruction

The lecture course «Building material science». Lecture 1. Building

1. The lecture course «Building material science»

Department of technology of structural
materials and material science
The lecture course
material science»
Lector professor


Lecture 1. Building ['bɪldɪŋ] (construction [kən'strʌkʃ(ə)n])
material classification [ˌklæsɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]
Construction materials are divided according to the using into:
- materials for supporting structures (structural) are intended
[ɪn'tend-призначені] for receiving and transfer of loads (natural stones,
concretes ['kɔŋkriːt-бетони], bricks [brɪk-цегла], ceramics [sə'ræmɪksкераміка], glass [glɑːs-скло], metals);
- finishing materials and products are intended for supply of
building structures with decorative properties and protection from
external factor influence (architectural [ˌɑːkɪ'tekʧ(ə)r(ə)l] and
construction glass, products based on polymers ['pɔlɪmə-полімер] and
cement [sə'ment], rocks (гірські породи), synthetic [sɪn'θetɪk] paints,
laminates ['læmɪneɪt-шаруваті пластики], fibreboards [ʹfaıbəbɔ:dдеревно-волокнисті плити], facing ['feɪsɪŋ] ceramic tiles [taɪls]
(облицювальні керамічні плитки), waterproof ['wɔːtəpruːf] wallpapers
['wɔːlˌpeɪpə] (вологостійкі шпалери) and films, dry gypsum ['ʤɪpsəm]
plaster ['plɑːstə] (суха гіпсова штукатурка ));


Building ['bɪldɪŋ] (construction [kən'strʌkʃ(ə)n])
material classification [ˌklæsɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]
- heat-insulating [hiːt 'ɪnsjəleɪtɪŋ-теплоізоляційні] materials are
intended for heat losses reduction of building constructions to the
necessary level with the provision of the necessary thermal regime
(mineral wool products, heat-insulating plastics [ʹplæstıks-пластмаси],
foam [fəum] glass (піноскло));
- acoustic [ə'kuːstɪk] materials are intended for reduction of "noise
[nɔɪz] pollution (шумового забруднення)" level of the accommodation
(регламентованих меж);


Building ['bɪldɪŋ] (construction [kən'strʌkʃ(ə)n])
material classification [ˌklæsɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n]
- waterproofing
materials are designed for waterproof layers creation in buildings and
structures are exposed [ɪk'spəuzd-які піддаються впливу] of water and
water vapor ['veɪpə-пар] (roofing iron, asbestos [æz'bestɔs] cement plates
(slate [sleɪt]-шифер), roll materials (рулонні матеріали) on the basis of
polymeric [ˌpɔlɪ'merɪk] and bituminous [bɪ'tjuːmɪnəs-бітумних] binders
- sealing [ʹsi:lıŋ] materials (герметизуючи матеріали) are intended for
joint (стик) treatment of various ['veərɪəs] constructions.


Building materials are divided into
inorganic [ˌɪnɔː'gænɪk] (natural stone, cement, ceramics, glass) and
organic [ɔː'gænɪk] (wood, polymers, bitumen ['bɪtjumɪn], tars [tɑːsдьогті]) according to the ORIGIN ['ɔrɪʤɪn-походження].
Building materials are divided into
natural (wood, natural stones), which are subjected only to
mechanical treatment;
artificial [ˌɑːtɪ'fɪʃ(ə)l-штучні]:
-unfired [ʌnʹfaıəd-безвипалювальні] materials are hardening at
normal conditions;
kilning [kɪlnɪŋ-випалювані] materials are obtained by heat
treatment and sintering [ʹsınt(ə)rıŋ-спікання] (ceramics, mineral binders
fused [fjuːzid-плавлені] materials - glass [glɑːs], metals
according to the MANUFACTURING METHOD.


BUILD MATERIAL STRUCTURE is studied at three levels.
[ʹmækrə(u)͵strʌktʃəмакроструктура] is a structure that is observed by the eyes or at
magnification [ˌmægnɪfɪ'keɪʃ(ə)n-збільшенні] from 30-50 times. Solid
building materials macrostructure can be conglomerate [kən'glɔm(ə)rətконгломератною], cellular ['seljulə-ячеїстою], fine porous [faɪn pɔːrəsдрібнопористою], fibrous ['faɪbrəs-волокнистою], layered ['leɪədшаруватою], and fine-grained ['faɪn'greɪnd-дрібнозернистою].
2. Material microstructure [͵maıkrə(u)ʹstrʌktʃə-мікроструктура] is
a structure that is observed in an optical microscope with an
magnification from 50 to 1500 times. Material microstructure can be
crystalline ['krɪst(ə)laɪn-кристалічною] and amorphous [ə'mɔːfəsаморфною]. Crystalline form is most [məust] stable ['steɪbl].
3. Substance ['sʌbst(ə)n(t)s-речовина] internal structure is
determined on the atomic [ə'tɔmɪk] or molecular-ionic [mə'lekjuləaɪ'ɔnɪk] level by electron [ɪ'lektrɔn] microscopy [maɪ'krɔskəpɪ] and X-ray
['eksreɪ-] - structural (рентгено – структурного) analysis methods.


Materials are divided into materials with covalent [kəuʹveıləntковалентним], ionic [aɪ'ɔnɪk-іонним], and metal (металевим) bonding
[ʹbɔndıŋ-зв'язком] according to the BOND [bɔnd-зв'язку] NATURE
['neɪʧə-характер] BETWEEN PARTICLES.
Ionic bond [aɪ'ɔnɪk bɔnd-іонний зв'язок] arises between
heterogeneous atoms, for example sodium ['səudɪəm-Na] and chlorine
['klɔːriːn-Cl]. Sodium is given valence electron ['veɪl(ə)n(t)s ɪ'lektrɔnвалентний електрон] and converted into a positively ['pɔzətɪvlɪ] charged
['ʧɑːʤd] ion ['aɪən] (Na+[plus-plʌs]). Chlorine receives an electron and
becomes a negatively ['negətɪvli] charged ion (C1-[minus-'maɪnəs]). The ionic
bond is result of electrostatic interaction of oppositely charged ions and
is typical for inorganic [ˌɪnɔː'gænɪk] compounds.


The covalent [kəuʹveılənt] bond is created by coupling ['kʌplɪŋоб'єднання] the valence ['veɪl(ə)n(t)s] electrons [ɪ'lektrɔns] of
neighboring ['neɪb(ə)rɪŋ] atoms ['ætəms] in one energy level on outer
orbit ['autə 'ɔːbɪt-зовнішня орбіта]. The coupling electrons belong
simultaneously to both atoms and are in a common orbit. Homogeneous
atoms (silicon, carbon in a crystalline lattice of diamond), and
heterogeneous atoms (iron-carbon in a chemical compound Fе3С,
aluminum-nitrogen in a chemical compound AlN) are created covalent
bonds. Covalent bond is very strong. Covalent bonding crystals have a
high melting point, high hardness (carbides, nitrides) and significant
wear resistance.
The metal bond is realized by electrostatic interaction between
positively charged ions and negatively charged free electrons. Metal
atom valence electrons lose connection with their nuclei ['njuːklɪaɪ-ядра]
easily and electron gas is created. Metals have good electrical and
thermal conductivity, which is provided by free electrons.


Building materials are characterized ['kærəkt(ə)raɪzd] by chemical,
mineral ['mɪn(ə)r(ə)l] and phase composition.
The chemical composition is expressed [ɪk'spresed-виражається] by
percentage [pə'sentɪʤ-процентним вмістом] of elements and basic and
acid oxides.
Mineral composition shows mineral type and quantity in material.
Minerals are bound (зв'язані) basic and acid oxides.
The phase composition consists solid substances ['sʌbst(ə)n(t)sречовина] that pore [pɔː-пора] walls are created (skeleton ['skelɪt(ə)nкаркас]) and pores are filled air or water.
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