Category: englishenglish

tasmanian devil


Tasmanian devil


The animal was nicknamed by
colonists who arrived in Tasmania
from Europe. They were frightened by
the sounds made by this animal, which
is why they called the animal the
Tasmanian devil.
The behavior fits the name of the
animal. Its mouth with sharp fangs, as
well as almost black fur, only confirm
the opinion of people. Translated from
Latin, the name of the animal means
"meat lover".


This animal is found exclusively on the island of Tasmania. A few centuries
ago, Tasmanian devils lived on the Australian continent, but a number of
anthropogenic factors made them disappear from the territory of Australia.


Tasmanian devils are
quite greedy for food.
Their diet consists of:
small animals, lizards,
snakes, birds,
amphibians, insects,
rats and fish.


Unfortunately, scientists have a lot of work to do so that these
unique animals do not disappear from the Earth.
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