Category: englishenglish

English signs of shops and retail outlets on the territory of the city of Novomichurinsk. The meaning of the words used


English signs of shops and retail outlets on the
territory of the city of Novomichurinsk. The
meaning of the words used.


As observations have shown, many signs and store names in our cities are also
indicated in English. Knowing the translation of these words to some extent
facilitates the search for a particular product, perhaps the name itself
suggests some information about the store. Many signs are decorated with
English letters, but do not have any translation.I would like to consider in
more detail the use of English-language words, namely, on the signs of shops
in the city of Novomichurinsk.
First of all, it should be noted that the use of English-language words in the
names of local stores is considered a modern and advanced marketing move
to attract the attention of young people who are much more willing to spend
money on purchases in "cool" outlets.


The lush italics of the signboard of another fashion store Fashion Shop
instantly attracts the attention of young people. The first word translates as
"fashion, fashionable".
An additional showroom has also come into use with the meaning of an
exclusive fashion show venue.


There are many different beauty salons in our city.For example:Beauty
Bar,Glamour and Mania.


There are not many shops in our city, so people buy clothes online.We have
points of delivery of goods:ozon and wildberries.
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