
New year and Christmas in England


New year and Christmas in England


When they celebrate
In the UK, New Year`s Day celebrated on the night of December 31 st to January 1st. The date
of the celebration of the new year was determined in 1752 and until then the parish was
celebrated on Christmas Day on December 25 th .


Christmas in the UK
Christmas for the people of the United Kingdom is the biggest national holiday. It is celebrated
on January 25th. They prepare for Christmas in advance - they decorate houses, decorate
Christmas trees, buy gifts and prepare family dinners. According to tradition, children get up
early, because at night Santa Claus left gifts in specially hung huge socks.


London Hew Year parade
Traditionally, London hosts the New Year's parade, which is called the largest in the world. It
was first held in 1987 to collect donations for local charities. Since then, the London New Year's
Day Parade has been held every year. It starts on Piccadilly Street and runs through all the
major streets and squares of the city. This is a noisy and colorful spectacle: among the
procession participants you can see dancers, acrobats, musicians, sports fans. Thousands of
people line up to watch the parade. Some parts of the route are only accessible to spectators
with tickets. The parade is broadcast on English television.


New Year's resolutions
People often make the decision to change their lives with the advent of the new year. (New
Year's resolutions) - these are the promises that every person makes to himself on the eve of
the holiday. Often promises are written in special sections of the diary or in beautiful notebooks.
In the pre-New Year period, articles on how to correctly make a list of promises in order to fulfill
them become popular.


Yorkshire rabbits
In Yorkshire, a few seconds before midnight, it is customary to see off the outgoing year with the
words "black rabbits, black rabbits, black rabbits." The first words in the new year should be
"white rabbits, white rabbits, white rabbits." In some parts of England, it is customary to call
rabbits at the beginning of each month, and not just on New Year's Eve. It is believed that this
will bring good luck.


New Year's table
The British New Year's Eve dinner usually consists of one main meat dish and a variety of
appetizers: cheeses, flatbreads, canapes. Roast goose or turkey is served as the main dish,
garnished with potatoes and Brussels sprouts. There will definitely be pudding, meat and sweet
pie on the table. The traditional English New Year's drink is punch, which consists of alcohol and
tea with lemon, sugar and spices.
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