
Sources and types of law


Sources and types of law.
Prepared: Chakal Elvis
Student of the group 101


Sources of law
Sources of law are an official
document in force in the state,
establishing the norms of law;
external forms of expression of the
law-making activity of the state,
through which the will of the
legislator becomes binding.


Legal science distinguishes the following types of forms of law:


A legal custom is a rule of
conduct that has developed
historically due to constant
repetition for a long time and
is sanctioned by the State as
a generally binding rule.


A judicial precedent is a
court decision (usually the
highest court in the country)
on a specific case, which
then becomes a model, a
mandatory rule for solving
similar cases in the future.


A normative legal act is a
written document adopted by
an authorized legal entity
(state body, local self–
government body), having
an official character and
binding force, expressing
imperious dictates and aimed
at regulating public


A normative contract is an
agreement between various
subjects of law, which contain the
norms of law. It is one of the main
sources of international law. In
some cases, a normative contract
is used in domestic law.
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