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America ways : A cultural guide to the United States. Family life
America ways : A cultural guide to the United Stateschapter 6
Family life
Student's CNE : M130097220
Group : 2
Presentation headlines01
Quick intoduction to the chapter
What Foreignors Notice
The Changing Family
Parental hopes and expectations
Punishing children
Preparing a child for adulthood
01Quick intoduction to the
The American use of the word family, typically referring to aNuclear Family containing a father, mother and their children,
and this may reflect that the American families had traditionally
been a small group of people, as the grandparents, aunts, uncles,
cousins and other who may concerned as a part of the family
called the relatives.
02What Foreignors Notice
The international visitors or who got the opportunity to visit anAmerican family will notice the way American families threat their
children :
• The babies are less carried by their parents
than in the backpacks or strollers
• While children are more often
accompanied by mothers than by fathers, as
it is increasingly common to see a man caring
for children in a public place.
• Another point is that children of anyage may interrupt, argue, make demand of
their parents or loudly express their opinion
and appear with jeweleries, tattoos and be
out of control.
Frequently, the visitors of American houses
remark that The American houses and apartments
always seem larger that the nacessary as some of
them prefer to keep the interior door open as well as
the babies and children have their own bedroom if they
can afford it, also the family always have a scheduled
03The changing family
The traditional American family of the 50s include husband, wife andone or two or more children, the man goes to work each morning, and
the woman takes care of the house, or participating in the parent
teacher organization in children's school, and the children go to school
and play with their friends in the weekend,
The family have dinner together while chatting or watching TV
programs, and sometimes in the weekend they go for a drive outside.
The changes that happened to these kinds of family for many reasonssome of them :
• The "Women's Movement" made them trying to get carriers
outside the traditional areas like teaching and nursing.
• Women began to go to college and get doctoral degrees and some
of them prepare to be financially independent.
==> So all these changes in the family reflect and reinforce cultural
values that emphasize individualism and freedom, as it affects on
traditional male-femal divorcing of labor.
Parental hopes and
The act of child rearing is highly valued in some societies as manyadults want to get more offsprings as well as some religious people like
Catholic and Noromans adopt the same idea, while some American
have mixed opinion maybe due to knowing the huge responsibility that
comes with them, although they consider children as an important
A study done shows the cost of raising a child of food, clothes... etc the
conclusion is that every couple who want to get a child should be
expecting a large amount of of dollars.
The ideal is probably a family with one or two children because some
couples would prefer at least one child in a gender.
The American parents want their children to be happy and healthy, free
of the significant problems and also well educated, able to find
The young children receive concedirable attention, because theirexistence strongly influence the way parents spend their money and
time, as well as made it as a responsibility to remove any dangerous
article that may damage them,They play with their children, and buy
whatever they want, and talk with them like a small adult.
The children have their own bedroom with a TV set, sell phones and
iPods to listen to their favorite music,
A study done shows that children spend all their time watching TV or
surfing the internet rather than attending classes.
Punishing children
American experts on child development continually debate about thebest means of inducing a child to behave according to their parents
wishes, is to give the child positive reinforcement when he behaves in
a way that the parents like rather than punishing him.
And also using the positive rediction by giving papers to child the who
loves to write on the walls instead of punishing him.
Prepare in the for adulthood
International visitors got surprised by seeing an American teenagerhave jobs in fast food restaurant or other jobs and these activities made
the teenager earn their own money and that what gives them so many
the traditional average family, the children are ready to move out of
their parents house by the age of 18, but they can stay for another year
or two after graduating from high school due to the financial crisis.
But the younger adults continue to live with a group of Kidults sharing
the costs of housing and food.
FinallyThe American culture contain
a lot of details and elements in many aspects