Similar presentations:
When did Mother’s Day start?
2. What is Mother’s Day?
Mother’s Day is a celebration that honours the mother of the family.It is celebrated in over 40 countries around the world.
3. When did Mother’s Day start?
There are many stories about how Mother’s Day started and it is said tohave started thousands of years ago. The main and most recent story is
about a peace activist called Anna Jarvis.
4. Who Was Anna Jarvis?
Anna Jarvis started Mother’s Day in the USA.She is known as the “Mother of Mother’s Day”.
She began campaigning for Mother’s Day to
become a recognised holiday in 1905. Mother’s
Day was first celebrated in 1908 when Anna held
a memorial service for her mum.
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5. When Did Mother’s Day Start?
By 1911, all of the American states agreed that Mother’s Day would becomea holiday.
Although Anna was happy at this, she became unhappy at how
commercial the holiday became. She was disappointed by how companies
were profiting from the day and believed that people should share their
love for their mum by writing personal notes and creating hand-made
6. Mother’s Day Around the World…
UKMother's Day is often known as
Mothering Sunday. In the past, once
a year, during Lent, people would
visit their home or "mother" church.
It became a time for family reunions
and celebrations that were fondly
Celebrated on the fourth Sunday of
Lent, Mothering Sunday remains a
time to say thank you to mothers for
all their love and encouragement
with flowers, chocolates, cards and
other tokens of appreciation.
7. Mother’s Day Around the World…
USA and AustraliaIn Australia and the USA, Mother’s
Day is celebrated on the second
Sunday in May.
There is a special tradition of
wearing a carnation flower on
Mother’s Day.
People show their love and
appreciation for their mothers and
other female members of the family
by giving presents of flowers,
chocolates and making them
breakfast in bed.
8. Mother’s Day Around the World…
IndiaIn India, there is also a big emphasis
on saying thank you to mums on
Mother’s Day.
Hindus celebrate mothers in a tenday festival called Durga Puja.
Durga comes from the name of a
goddess who is known as the
“Universal Mother”.
This goddess protects people from
9. Mother’s Day Around the World…
SpainShops all over Spain sell gifts to
celebrate Mother’s Day.
It is known as Día de la Madre.
Mother’s Day in Spain is celebrated
on the first Sunday in May. It used
to take place on the 8th of December
until 1965 but was moved so it did
not take place too close to Christmas.
10. Mother’s Day Around the World…
JapanHaha-no-hi means Happy Mother’s
Day in Japanese.
Young children draw pictures called
"My Mother" and enter them into an
art show. These pictures are then
shown all over the world in a special
Mother’s Day exhibit.
11. Mother’s Day Around the World…
SwedenMother’s Day in Sweden is celebrated
on the last Sunday in May.
Small plastic flowers are sold before
this special day.
Any profit that is made is used to
send mothers that have lots of
children on holiday.
12. Mother’s Day Around the World…
MexicoMother's Day, or Dia de las Madres,
is on 10th May. Traditionally, sons
and daughters come to their mother's
house on the eve of Mother's Day (9th
Festive Mother's Day masses,
handmade gifts, flowers, cards and
children's' school presentations are
often part of the day’s festivities.
13. How Will You Be Celebrating Mother’s Day?
Think of one thing you could do to show your mum, grandmother oranother woman in your life that cares for you, how much you appreciate