Gender Equality Issues in the Taliban Government in Afghanistan Faculty of International Relations


Gender Equality Issues in the Taliban Government
in Afghanistan
Faculty of International Relations
University of World Economy and Diplomacy
08.11.2022. Tashkent
Nurmamatova Umidakhon
Almost immediately after taking control of the country, the
Taliban ordered women employees of government to stay
home.. Despite prior assurances that they had moderated
their positions, the past year of Taliban rule has been marred
by a disturbing rollback of women’s and girl’s basic rights as
20 years of advancements have nearly evaporated.
Meanwhile, the current economic crisis has forced young
Afghans out of the workforce and left them in dire financial
and humanitarian straits. USIP’s Ahmadi and Matthew
Parkes examine how the Taliban’s oppressive policies have
affected Afghan women, girls and youth over the last 12
months and offer ways for the United States and
international community to support Afghanistan’s next
While the landscape prior to the Taliban takeover was problematic,
the World Economic Forum’s 2022 Global Gender Gap ranked
Afghanistan 146 out of 146 for women’s education attainment and
economic participation and opportunity.
The Taliban’s methods of enforcement include direct warnings,
intimidation, detention and, as applicable, dismissal from government
positions. According to UN “In practice, restrictions on women’s
freedom of movement often go beyond what is prescribed in decrees,”
due to the culture of fear and intimidation associated with the Taliban.
Almost immediately after taking control of the country, the Taliban
ordered women employees of government to stay home. Universities
remained closed for several months, and girls in most areas remain
unable to attend school beyond sixth grade.
The Taliban’s governmental reorganization included abolishing the
Ministry of Women’s Affairs and replacing it with the Ministry of the
Propagation of Virtue and Prevention of Vice, which was an
infamously oppressive.
All of this is forcing women victims of domestic violence to suffer their
abuse in silence and often in isolation. In the absence of female justice
actors, combined with the Taliban's policies that embolden patriarchal
norms, women are left with no support and options for navigating the
justice sector. ministry during the Taliban’s previous rule in the 1990’s.
Only a determined, long-term process of securing the
rights and hopes of Afghan women and holding the
Taliban and others in Afghanistan accountable for
them will guarantee a future that allows the country to
prosper and includes access to credible membership in
the community of nations. Otherwise, Afghanistan
will forfeit the gains achieved at such a high price by
so many, and the women of Afghanistan will endure
and labor again under the dark sky of brutal rule, a
darkness enshrouding all of the country and casting a
shadow of shame on the international community.
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