Category: englishenglish

American English


American English
prepared by us


Target of presentation
“ The purpose of this presentation is to
tell you about American English and
show the differences between British
English ”


The Origin of American English
The use of English in the United States is a result of English and British colonization
of the Americas. The first wave of English-speaking settlers arrived in North
America during the 17th century, followed by further migrations in the 18th and
19th centuries.
Since then, American English has developed into new dialects. In some cases, under
the influence of West African and native American languages: German, Dutch,
Irish, Spanish and other languages of successive waves of immigrants to the USA.
While written American English is standardized across the country, there are several
recognizable variations in the spoken language, both in pronunciation and in


"General American Accent"
Compared with English as spoken in England, North American
English is more homogeneous, and any North American
accent that exhibits a majority of the most common
phonological features is known as "General American
Accent", which is spoken by most announcers and
broadcasters. It is easily comprehended by all Americans.


But still the fact is that native speakers from both
America and Great Britain have no difficulty in
understanding each other.




The conclusion
Drawing the conclusion, I must admit that
having done the research into the origin,
feature and functioning of American English
we’ve come to the conclusion that
American English is one of the national
varieties of the English language.


Here is the quote of Henry Mencken, an American journalist, cultural critic and
scholar of American English who wrote in his well-known book “The
American Language”:
“But The American Language has developed in a way that isn’t always dainty.
It has a force and color of its own, and a rich vocabulary which has
combined with the central advantages English already possessed. Apart
from its flexible syntax and elementary grammar, it has long had, to a
degree quite unmatched by other European languages, two vocabularies —
formal and native — which make it ideally suited to be the global lingua


List of references


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