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Personal pronouns
English ClassIII
Beniya Daut Dzharnazovich
Personal Pronouns3.
Practicecat and horse
Mary …………
Tom …………
Jack and I
books ……
sister …….
You and Dave
plane …….
sunshine …….
milk ……………
daughter …………
papers ………
Mr. Green ………
cheese ………
cactus …………
parents …………..
Pamela ………
. scissors
geese ……….
flowers …………
piano …………….
school ………….
dolphin …………
children ……..
sugar ………..
feet …….
bicycle ……
Ann and Kate ……….
tennis ……….
son ……….
mice ………
sky ……….
shop ……….
buses ………..
picture ………..
friendship ………….
Verb TO BEГлагол TO BE выступает в роли
глагола-связки в предложениях
и обычно не переводится на
русский язык, переводится как
является, быть. Используется
данный глагол, когда мы
говорим о профессиях,
национальной принадлежности,
возрасте, чувствах, семейном
положении итд.
У глагола TO BE есть особые
формы в разных лицах и числах
в определённых временах и
типах предложения.
PRACTICEA: Where are we now, Sarah?
B: You ............. just in
front of our new house.
A: Where are your parents?
B: My mum and dad ............. at
work as usual.
A: Are you hungry?
B: Yes, I ............. a little
bit hungry, I must admit.
A: Is Peter your best friend? And
what about Bill?
B: I can say that Peter and Bill
............. my best friends.
A: Is your younger sister at
B: No, she ............. at
school this week.
A: Are Susan and Marion good at
sports activities?
B: Well, Susan .............
quite good at athletics, but
Marion isn't very good at sports.
A: I think these stories about
footballers are very interesting.
B: Really? The stories about
footballers .............
interesting at all.
A: How often are you ill, grandma?
B: Quite often. I ............. very
healthy this year.
PRACTICEA: Kevin, where ...................... now?
Do you know?
B: I'm not sure. I think we're somewhere
near San Francisco.
A: Mrs. Jones, where are your children?
................................ at home?
B: My children? Why do you want to know?
A: I can't find the ball. Where
.................... ?
B: Behind the garden wall, I'm afraid.
A: Doctor, I don't feel very well.
......................... ill?
B: We'll see. I must take your temperature
A: ...................... good at English?
B: Eve's the best student in her class.
A: Am I the best student in our class?
B: No, you ............. . I'm the
best. Do you agree?
A: Where are you, Simon?
B: I'm afraid Simon ............. here.
He is at the shop in the center of
A: Excuse me, .........................
our new neighbor?
B: No, I'm not. I'm your husband's
A: Where ................ Mark and
Kevin? They're so late today.
B: I have no idea, to tell the truth.
A: Mum, what time
................................. ? I'm
so hungry.
PRACTICE1. I don't care if you _________ busy.
11. We _________ like the women of your
2. But we _________ even sure of that.
3. But I _________ here for that purpose.
12. I hope you _________ among that
4. You _________ afraid of me, are you?
13. He _________ the person to ask it.
5. I _________ going to do any more.
14. It _________ much to write the
6. We _________ told what became of her.
15. But he _________ going to do it.
7. We _________ quite ready for that yet.
16. It may be that he _________ dead.
8. It _________ so bad as it might be.
9. I _________ sure that I like it.
17. It _________ so easy to understand
10. You _________ going for an hour yet.
18. It _________ so bad as my feeling.
19. It _________ necessary that I
PRACTICE1. I ______ having a fine time of it.
11. I ______ glad I didn't see him.
2. I don't see where she ______ gone.
12. We ______ always very glad to see
3. And what ______ we going to do about it?
13. It ______ the only thing I can do.
4. I ______ going to take you with me.
14. You don't know why you ______ here.
5. You ______ a wife, and a good wife.
6. It ______ the only thing, I tell you.
7. You are not as thin as I ______.
15. You have to take them as they
16. It ______ a good thing to have a
good name.
8. I don't believe you ______ that kind.
9. What ______ you to say to such men?
10. It ______ on the right side of it.
17. Do you know what we ______ going to
18. I ______ going to have a talk with
My best friendSelena
Hi, my name is Tina. I am thirteen years old and today I want to talk
about my best friend Selena. She is my classmate, and she is thirteen
years old too. We attend a very big school near Scotland. We share
the same desk and love the same school subjects. Our favorite lessons
are Arts and Physical Education. I am very good at tennis, and she is
very good at volleyball. She plays volleyball at our school team. We
both have a busy life. We always get up at 6 and at 7 a.m. her father
takes us to school by car. They live next door to us, so after school
we always do our homework, walk our dogs and play together. Our
classes start at 8.30 and finish at 4 p.m. Her mother is a nurse. My
mother is a nurse too and they work at the same hospital. Our fathers
are both engineers, but they work at different companies. On Mondays,
Selena has violin class and I have piano class. On Tuesdays and
Thursdays she practices volleyball at the school’s gym, and I play
tennis in our school court. Friday is my favorite day because Selena
stays overnight with us. On the weekends, we usually go to the movie
theater or have a picnic if the weather is good. I am the only child;
Active vocabulary• Let’s talk about this a bit later.
• Anyone who loves theater should attend.
• The companies agree to share technology and experience.
• The same thing happened to James when he was doing his
• I want to take you to my favorite place in the city.
• It takes practice to become good at something.
• Sarah is too busy to answer any calls.
• My friends and I love hanging out together .
• It is necessary to look at things from different
• Both methods sound quite interesting.
• Jane is staying overnight because of a stormy weather.
• I really like people like you.
Утвердительная форма1 лицо I invite
We invite
2 лицо You invite
You invite
3 лицо He/She/It invites
They invite
They usually play tennis every weekend.
She brings me coffee every morning.
It snows in winter.
I work from Monday to Friday every week.
В большинстве случаев к глаголу в 3-ем лице единственного числа добавляется s, окончание -es добавляется после таких окончаний -ss, -sh, -ch, -x, -o:
scratch – scratches; miss – misses; crash – crashes, teach – teaches, fix –
fixes; а также, когда глагол оканчивается на согласную + y = y меняется на i
+ es = try - tries; fly – flies; cry – cries;
Отрицательная форма1 лицо I do not want
We do not want
2 лицо You do not want
You do not want
He/She/It does not w
3 лицо ant
They do not want
I do not like this movie.
She does not work as a teacher.
We do not need your help.
It does not really matter.
Вопросительная форма1 лицо Do I work?
Do we work?
2 лицо Do you work?
Do you work?
3 лицо Does he/she/it work?
Do they work?
Do you like your job?
Does Sam work on Monday?
Do your friends watch tv-series?
Do you often go to parties, Adam?
Употребление1) когда мы говорим о повседневных делах, повторяющихся действиях
He works at a hotel.
Sally visits her grandparents once a month.
2) когда мы говорим о законах природы и всеобщих истинах
Water boils at 100 °C.
It rarely rains in the desert.
3) когда говорим о программах, графике, расписании (поездов,
самолетов, занятий и тд)
Our English lesson always starts at 3 pm.
The plane to LA takes off tomorrow at 8 am.
когда отдаем приказы (повелительное наклонение) и даем инструкции
First, pour a cup of water, then add some flour.
Do not interrupt me!
1) I always (eat) _______ vegetables. Carrots (be) _______ my favorite.2) Randy (like) _______ swimming in the ocean, but he (be) _______ afraid of sharks.
3) It (be) _______ really cold outside, and I (not, have) _______ _______ _______ a
4) We (think ) _______ it is fun to ride roller coasters.
5) Roberto and Kelly (hunt) ______ for eggs every Easter.
6) The simple present tense (be) _______ easy!
7) My family (want) _______ to visit the pyramids in Egypt.
8) Donna (love) _______ the summer. She also (like) _______ winter.
9) Liz and Tommy (travel) _______ to the coast every year.
10) The baby (cry) _______ every time it (want) _______ to be fed.
11) You (need) _______ to exercise in order to stay healthy.
12) Yoko (win) _______ the science contest every year. She (be) _______ so smart!
13) Ken (be) _______ a baker. He (bake) _______ cakes and pastries every morning.
14) Then he (sell) _______ them to his customers. Everybody (love) _______ Ken’s
1) Mary (be) _______ twenty-nine years old.2) We (like) _______ to eat fruit. It (taste) _______ good.
3) The football team never (score) _______ . It (lose) _______ all the time.
4) Roberta and Betty always (talk) _______ to each other on the phone.
5) Jose and I (study) _______ chemistry together.
6) The car (have) _______ a flat tire.
7) You never (make) _______ breakfast for me. I always (have) _______ to make it
8) The mechanic (fix) _______ my car when it breaks down.
9) Tom rarely (fly) _______. He usually (drive) _______.
10) I usually (watch) _______ TV, but tonight I (think) _______ I will read a
11) Igor (call) _______ his mother on the phone every day.
12) When he (be) _______ alone at night, Beto sometimes (get) _______ scared.
13) I (be) _______ tired. I (think) _______ I am going to take a nap.
14) Cakes (be) _______ hard to make. They (require) _______ a lot of work.
15) Joel (like) _______ to play soccer. He (practice) _______ every day.
Practice1) Julia (sometimes, sell) _______ _______ lemonade on hot days.
2) Thomas (often, play) _______ _______ baseball after school.
3) My neighbor (never, paint) _______ _______ his house; it looks terrible!
4) The students (leave) _______ their classrooms when the bell rings.
5) Mrs. Gomez (water) _______ the plants when she (get) _______ home at five
6) Each night, Serena (help) _______her little sister with geography
7) Stuart (play) _______video games with his friends on Saturdays.
8) Joan and Nate (wait) _______ for the bus to arrive each day.
9) The jazz musicians in our town (frequently, win) _______ _______
10) The merry-go-round (come) _______ to a stop every five minutes.
Practice1. ...... she take her go for a walk in
the morning?
2. ...... your friend Paul work in the
shop over there?
3. ...... they know the answers to the
4. ...... your parents know that you
5. ...... Bill teach maths?
6. Where ....... your sister live?
7. What time ...... the lessons finish?
8. ...... you go to the coast in summer?
9. ...... it rain very often in Ireland?
10. Why ...... they ask so many questions
пробелы do
или does
1. You / speak English.
2. She / work hard.
3. They / have dinner at eight
4. Jill and Tom / study at university
5. You / do your homework every day
6. John / watch TV after dinner.
7. He / wash the car at the weekend.
8. Her friends / live in London.
9. You / have any brothers or sisters.
10. Your friends / go to the cinema
very often.
What do you do with your free time?I’m almost 19 years old, and I finished my first year of university. I’m currently
on holiday, and I have a lot of free time. Having free time is nice, but the
problem is that when you are a student, you never have money. And when you have a
lot of free time, but you don’t have much money, it can get boring.
Every morning I go to the gym, and I read in the afternoons. But I still have a
lot of free time. Going to the gym takes me about two hours, including the road
time and the post-gym shower. And I usually read for one hour. Another activity
that I do is watch documentaries. I study history, and I love historical
documentaries. I learn a lot from them. I watch documentaries for one and a half
hours four or five times a week.
But those activities are a small part of my day. When I’m not at the gym or
reading, I get bored, and I often play video games for hours. I enjoy playing
video games, but I don’t think it’s a productive activity. When I play for a long
time, I feel bad. I’d like to find more productive activities to do, but it isn’t
easy. I live in a small town, and there aren’t many things to do.
Active vocabulary• We are almost there, please wait for us.
• I am so sorry, but Mrs. Clayton is currently
• The companies agree to share technology and
• In his free time Pete usually watches tv-series on
• Nothing really matters, including money when it
comes to safety.
• Boring people can get you bored.
• You need to find a more productive way to enjoy the
whole process.
• It may seem easy at first, but then it gets more
• Helen has a rather interesting suggestion on how to
Let’s watch thevideo
Countries and nationalities (Part I)27.
United Kingdom/British
Belgium/BelgianCzech Republic/Czech
The Netherlands/Dutch
North Macedonia/North Macedonian