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Welcome to Poland
Welcome toPoland
Geographical location3. Architecture
Royal castleThe history of the Warsaw Royal
castle dates back to 1598, when
construction began with the
submission of Sigismund III.
4. Cathedral church
Cathedral of Saints apostles Peter and Paul (kraków , ostrów Tumski). Built in the second
half of the Tenth century, it was elevated to
the status of a Cathedral in 968.
5. Shakespeare's theatre
Shakespeare theatre (Gdansk, 2014). Built byItalian designer Renato Rizzi. It is a black "box"
made of graphite-colored bricks and has an open
6. Cuisine
In Northern Poland, fish is a favoritedish. In addition, traditional Polish
dishes include duck, sauerkraut
soup, dumpling
7. Culture
Christmas-hay on the tablecloth and aplate for an unexpected guest
Previously, straw and
grain decorated the
entire table and put a
sheaf in the corner. The
reason is that Jesus
Christ was born in a
manger in Bethlehem,
and the straw reminds
us of the circumstances
of his birth.
8. Magana ‒ burn and drown the Scarecrow
Every year, on the first day of spring, peoplemake a straw doll, set it on fire, and then
drown it in the river. The purpose of the
ritual: to drive away the winter and speed
up the awakening of nature.
9. Traditions
Śmigus DyngusThe origins of this tradition are
seen both in Christianity, where
watering with water is associated
with baptism and blessing, and in
the traditional folk fun of young
men and women who celebrated
the arrival of spring, the
awakening of the forces of nature,
and at the same time looked for a
couple for the future.