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Plaintiff on behalf of the people: Willie Mercer Defendants: Theresa May
1. Plaintiff on behalf of the people: Willie Mercer Defendants: Theresa May (The Rt Hon, Former UK Prime Minister) Nicky Morgan
Lawsuit concerning the overhasty installation and operation of the 5G technologywithout appropriate research and safety precautions
Plaintiff on behalf of the people: Willie Mercer
Theresa May (The Rt Hon, Former UK Prime Minister)
Nicky Morgan (The Rt Hon, UK Minister for Culture Media and Sport)
Date: Sunday 22nd September 2019
Manchester Art Gallery, Mosley Street, Manchester, M2 3JL, England
Representing living men and womenWe are against the overhasty rollout and installation of 5G
technologies, without the appropriate
independent research and safety precautions.
Politicians have been negligent in their duties.
3. Main points
• There have been NO safety tests of 5G technology• Pushing enforced consent, not informed choice
• Cumulative and long-term effects NOT KNOWN
• Life already damaged by existing and previous technologies
• May be used (abused) for population manipulation and control
5G potentially endangers every organism on planet earth
Greed and financialconsiderations
Have been placed before the
welfare of the organisms on this planet
(The industry may be worth $12 Trillion Dollars!)
5. If you need any more evidence than we give you here today…
A class action lawsuit has been filed against the FCC bymunicipalities across the USA.
How did things get so out of hand in the USA?
FCC takeover!
There is evidence of themass manipulation of search engine results to the benefit
of Big Tech, Big Pharma and Political Agendas
To keep evidence of harms from public knowledge
To keep them sick and on medications
To keep them under control
To manipulate the public to towards specific political agendas
8. Radio frequency standards
• ICNIRPSelf-regulating body
Self-appointed body
Not fit for purpose
Regulations not updated for 10 years
• (IARC) The International Agency for Research on Cancer, who
concluded that EMF’s of frequencies - 30 Khz - 300 Ghz are possibly
carcinogenic to humans. This finding has now been updated via the
Peer Reviewed National Toxicology Program report which states on
p46 / 47 that there is clear evidence of “Carcinogenic Effect”.
ICNIRPStandards are based on the heating effects on adults ONLY
No consideration of:
• Pregnancy
• Young children
• Elderly
• Immuno-compromised
• Multiple medical conditions
• EMF sensitive individuals - Up to 10% may have EMF issues
10. 5G Cell towers
Much more dangerous than previous technologies22/09/19
Ultra high frequency and ultra high intensity
Mini cells will be needed every 3-8 houses
WiFi routers and microwave ovens – are like mini cells!
IOT gadgets – coming soon – fridges, freezers, even the bins
No thought given to cumulative effects
No right to object to a tower on health grounds!
Large scale cutting down of trees!
11. Health effects of nearby cell towers?
• Living close (400m) to towers - 3 x risk of cancer• Cell phone mast on roof - 10 x risk of cancer (top floor)
• Neurodegenerative diseases
• Memory loss, headaches
• Changes in vision and mood
• Sleep disorders
• Cardiovascular stress
No thought has been given to the effect on house prices, either!
12. WiFi
• Adversely affects children• Mental health issues, depression and suicides
• Some schools have now taken out
• Cancers
• Primary and seconday school children
• College and University students
• Hospitals and institutions
• Office workers in large buildings
13. Screen shot showing cumulative exposures to WiFi in a Californian office building! There were so many WiFi sources listed they
couldnot all be shown on one
screen…This is our future!
14. Cell phones & walkie talkies
Cell phones & walkie talkies• Decreased male and female fertility
• Ipsideral brain tumours in heavy users
• Higher risk for children, and affecting their ability to concentrate
• Police - TETRA – ipsideral cancers from close exposure
• Women joggers – phones in bras
The public are not getting the message about speakerphone use
– manufacturers not behaving responsibly!
Peer Review of the Draft NTP Technical Reports onCell Phone Radiofrequency Radiation
March 26 -28, 2018
National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences
Research Triangle Park, NC
Peer-Review Report
Post 2015, additional research concluded / confirmed the serious health risks from
RF-EMF wireless technology. The worlds largest study ($25 Million US dollars)
which was Peer Reviewed, shows statistically significant increase in malignant
glioma in the brain and “Clear evidence of carcinogenic activity, with incidences of
malignant schwannoma in the heart." ( A rare form of cancer.) These science /
medical based conclusions were found with cell phone exposure at 900 Mhz.
16. Smart meters
• Can transmit data continuously throughout the day• Increased risk of spontaneous abortion
• Increase in childhood and testicular cancers
• Genetic damage
• Immune system dysfunction
• Negative cognitive effects and headaches
• Kidney damage
• A fire risk!
17. Radar / microwave technologies generally
• Increased spontaneous abortion• Shifts in red and white blood cell counts, Immune dysfunction
• Increase in childhood and testicular cancers
• Negative cognitive effects and headaches
• Genetic damage
• Kidney damage
• Microwaving food – 1. Dangerous effects on the heart, 2. It
drastically reduces the nutrients in food
• Microwaves cause cancer
18. Autism
• EMF is likely to make autism’s cellular, metabolic and nervoussystem physiological dysfunctions worse,” and that “Reducing
EMF exposures could reduce severity and incidence of
autism.” Dr Martha R Herbert, PhD, MD. Harvard Medical
• “1 in 2 American children will be autistic by 2025” Dr Stephanie
Senneff, Senior research scientist at the MIT Computer Science
and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory.
19. Wide scale environmental impacts
• Bees and insects• Birds and wildlife
• Farm animals
• Fish and aquatic mammals
• Effect on plants
• E.g. Californian wildfires possibly due to increase in
volatile compounds caused by 5G
20. Risk of nefarious use!
• DARPA (US Defense Agency) - Crowd control• US military – It has been used for mind manipulation
• Depopulation – Now officially part of EU agenda. Suggestion of intent to
reduce world population down to ½ million. (Ref needed)
• Out of control governments (See China) – Points system, restriction of
services – housing, schools, welfare. 13 million people now blacklisted*
• Today, central bus services in London – must use contactless or you can‘t
get on! What next? Have us all microchipped?
• Terrorists
We consider these to be very real risks!
21. 5G is not about phone speed…
It is about:• Social control – Data gathering in real time
• Manipulating social agendas
• Limiting the power of the people!
22. Mark Steele (Technical weapons expert)
• 5G has sucked the stupidest people up to the highest positions of power toget this moving forward!
• 5G is a Weapons System and a killer. It is already set up as a weapon
• 5G is set up for surveillance - 3D mapping your home, metering everything
• LED blue streetlights can cause permanent retinal damage, systems are
easily hackable and weaponised
• Uninsurable and there are no safety standards
• Very destructive to wildlife and the environment, Chopping down the trees
as they interfere with 5G
• SMART meters can easily be hacked, they are class 1 spying devices
gathering information from your home.
• Linked to brain cancers, nosebleeds, dementia (Ref: Martin Pall)
23. Global research (Centre for research on globalisation) (Catherine Frompovich- researcher, writer)
• The IOT will become “Big brother personified”• Resolute lack of transparency concerning the harms
• Cataractogenesis
• Microwave neurosis
• Suicides
• Effects on nervous system and behaviours
24. Agenda 21 and 30
• One world government with central control• Move everyone to the cities and out of rural areas
• No private land ownership
• Reduce the population to ½ billion people worldwide
• Economy, Equality
• Social equity – but aim to impoverish most of population
This is not conspiracy theory. These agendas actually do exist! What they
don’t tell you is HOW these agendas can be realised!
Many now think by using 5G!....Timescale?
25. Can the fox be trusted to police the henhouse?
26. Viable solutions DO NOT INCLUDE
• Special fabrics – many are toxic, mostly inneffective• Dots, pendants, badges – mostly scams that do not work
• Room sheilds – you cannot spend your entire life in a room
We should not be confined to our homes.
27. The only sensible solution is ban it!
• Look again at standards – Truely independant body• Reduce existing exposures
• Don‘t add to the problem
28. 1948 UN Human Rights Act
• Article 3 - Everyone has the right to life, liberty and security ofperson. (i.e. Freedom from surveillance)
• Article 4 - No one shall be held in slavery or servitude
• Article 21 – The government should reflect the will of the people
• Article 25 - Everyone has the right to a standard of living
adequate for the health and well-being of himself and of his
family and children.
29. The 1947 Nuremberg Code
1. Voluntary consent is required (enforced consent not informedconsent)
2. The experiment should yield fruitful results for the good of
society, unprocurable by other methods…
3. Anticipated results should justify the performance of the
4. ..avoid unnecessary physical and mental suffering and injury
5. No experiment where there is a risk of disabling injury or
30. The 1947 Nuremberg Code - continued
6. Degree of risk important, more so than benefits of experiment7. …protection from even remote possibility of injury, disability
and death
8. …conducted only by scientifically qualified persons
9. Humans subjects can request an end to the experiment at any
10...must terminate the experiment if likely to result in injury,
disability or death
31. Under Common Law
5g Interferes with individual sovereignty (Magna Carta 2015)22/09/19
32. Conclusions
• 5G potentially breaches the following articles of the humanrights charter – 3,4, 21 and 25
• 5G potentially breaches every part of the Nuremberg code
• It breaches the Common Law rights of the individual
• There are already proven serious harms with existing
• The rollout must be stopped immediately.
33. In addition the following has occurred:
• Manipulation of statutory legislation to enable 5G• Capture of regulatory agencies
Passing laws or statutes in order to create dependent societies is
34. There is a very real urgency to stop this and we may not get another chance! Satellites have already been launched!
35. Considerations for the Jury
• Time-scale – URGENT• Reverse the deployment, impose an immediate ban
• Penalties for individuals who install 5G equipment and company
bosses ….who endorse installation of 5G (i.e. to be liable in
their private capacity)
• Penalties to go to CLC to fund improve those 5G harmed.
• Compensation
• No 5G emissions/signals from satellites above British skies.
36. Thank You
Willie MercerEmail: