The concept of "football" in linguacultural context (comparative analysis of Russian, English and German)
About the history of football and the word "football"
About the history of football and the word "football"
The football vocabulary
The football vocabulary
The football vocabulary
The football vocabulary
Informal vocabulary in football
Informal vocabulary in football
Informal vocabulary in football
Informal vocabulary in football
Informal vocabulary in football
Category: lingvisticslingvistics

The concept of football in linguacultural context (comparative analysis of Russian, English and German)

1. The concept of "football" in linguacultural context (comparative analysis of Russian, English and German)

The concept of
"football" in
analysis of Russian,
English and
Lopachev A.

2. About the history of football and the word "football"

About the history of football and the word
Football was invented in England at the end of the 19th
Therefore the football language was first English
Sports commonly called football include association football
(known as soccer in some countries); gridiron football
(specifically American football or Canadian football);
Australian rules football; rugby football (either rugby league or
rugby union); and Gaelic football. These various forms of
football are known as football codes.

3. About the history of football and the word "football"

About the history of football and the word
Use of the word "football"
The word football, when used in reference to a specific
game can mean any one of those described above.
Most often, the word "football" is used to refer to the
code of football that is considered dominant within a
particular region. So, effectively, what the word
"football" means usually depends on where one says it.

4. The football vocabulary

The names of players positions on the field. In general, these
positions are divided into 3 groups, and the players are called
defenders, midfielders and forwards. And 1 player, who defends
the goal, is the goalkeeper.
This is the standard placement of players and their names.

5. The football vocabulary

Many of these names are used in Russian football vocabulary.
They are borrowed by tracing method, for example winger,
goalkeeper (так же используется «вратарь»), halfback
(полузащитник), playmaker («делающий игру», игрок атаки
или центра), inside (игрок атаки, оттянутый немного назад),
forward (центральный нападающий).
If we talk about the positions of players on the field, usually
many position names have a translation in any language, but
English words are still used more often. This is observed in both
German and Russian.

6. The football vocabulary

is a German scheme of player positions and
their names:

7. The football vocabulary

The most commonly used technique is tracing. This can be
explained by the fact that it is quite convenient. Native
speakers of German or Russian easily perceive English football
terminology and use English vocabulary. But the Germans use
English words less often. They use the same words, but
translated into German. Anglicisms are not so often used in
football sphere of communication.
Russians are more likely to use English football terminology,
which is used according to the Russian language model. Such
lexical techniques as transliteration and transcription are used
(examples are given above).

8. Informal vocabulary in football

This vocabulary is available in any language.
In German language „Gurke, Tomate, Käse“ describe the
failures of football players. Нападающий неудачник/der
Flop-Stürmer, «нападающий суперкласса/der TopStürmer, вратарь, часто допускающий грубые
ошибки/der Pannen-Keeper». As well as expressions using
informal vocabulary. These expressions can be heard
from commentators and fans in stadiums.

9. Informal vocabulary in football

Tomaten auf den Augen haben/ не видеть ничего
вокруг себя
Die Abwehr ist löchrig wie Schweizer Käse/оборона
дырявая, как решето
великолепный удар/Sahnenschuss
великолепно пробитый штрафной удар/ZuckerFreistoß

10. Informal vocabulary in football

Of course, English is the richest language in terms of informal vocabulary.
There are many examples of expressions. I will cite some of these:
To put eleven men behind the ball — обороняться всей командой.
We were robbed! — эту фразу кричат болельщики в том случае,
если игра была несправедливой.
To hit the woodwork — попасть в штангу.
Rout - разгром соперника.
Row Z - комментаторское клише, описывающее очень неточный
удар выше ворот.
Target man - "столб". Нападающий (обычно высокого роста),
располагающийся в штрафной, обладающий хорошим ударом и
хорошо играющий головой, умеющий подержать мяч, однако
нуждающийся в поддержке партнеров для развития атаки.
To kick someone around – обращаться с кем-то без уважения, грубо.
A political football – кричат болельщики, если считают, что матч

11. Informal vocabulary in football

the Russian language has the richest stock of
informal vocabulary. In Russian football
communication, abbreviations of words are
accepted. It's almost a habit. Almost all names of
football players are abbreviated. Last names are
shortened and adapted to the language model.
There may also be sound changes in the
abbreviation, such as vowel replacement.
Аршавин – «Шава»
Семак – «Сэм»
Павлюченко – «Павлик»
Титов – «Тит»

12. Informal vocabulary in football

we talk about Russian football expressions, they are
similar to the expressions from other languages that
were mentioned earlier. In other words, their
meaning is preserved.
Fan chants are often rude, contain profanity, insult
the opponent, and do not support their team.


has been around for almost 200 years, so it
has become a subject for analyses. It is interesting
and entertaining to study football vocabulary. I
think the history of football is a very interesting topic.
This topic is much more extensive than the topic of
Football is more than a game, because it covers
various fields of science and society
English     Русский Rules