use of modern technologies in railway transport

Use of modern technologies in railway transport

1. use of modern technologies in railway transport


2. the situation of the quality level of railway transport

In railway transport, the current situati
on is that the level of quality of service
s provided by railway transport organi
zations is lower than the level request
ed by the market. Rail transport is losi
ng its leading position in the field of tra
nsport to the JSC "RZD" was the joint
work plan with JSC "Branch centre of i
mplementation new techniques and te
chnologies" for the introduction and us
e of new technology platform"Applicati
on of innovative technologies clariswik
i and improve the safety of railway tra


Currently, JSC "Russian Railways" is
planning to introduce into mass operat
ion a system for marking passenger a
nd freight trains with radio frequency t
ags-the so-called RFID technology. Th
e railway tracks and communication n
odes themselves will also be marked

4. CRM

The CRM system will help to transfer up to 90
% of the document flow with cargo senders to
electronic form, the departmental electronic tra
ding platform will become a "window" for provi
ding cargo delivery services, smart contracts
will speed up and increase the efficiency of bu
siness processes. According to the company's
estimates, in general, this should allow it to inc
rease the growth of loading volumes by 70 mill
ion tons by 2025 only through the introduction
of digital technologies.
CRM and customer data management system
-the basis for implementing better B2C service
s through the company's website,

5. BIM

The locomotive complex will turn into a "Digital Depot",
where "smart" locomotives are serviced within a trusted
IT environment. Together with Cognitive Technologies,
Russian Railways has launched a project involving the
use of machine vision IT solutions from this developer t
o collect data from sensors located on rolling stock and
analyze this data in real time.
To manage the life cycle of the entire railway infrastruct
ure, the company has created a special linear infrastru
cture operator, which will, in particular, use digital mode
ling methods in construction and operation


The concept developed by JSC NIIAS provides for the integrated use of satellite technologies for train traf
fic management, construction, modernization, repair of railways, monitoring of track infrastructure, propert
y management and environmental protection. All these technologies assume the presence of a single coo
rdinate space and positioning systems with different degrees of accuracy.
In the future, it is necessary to create a complex for ensuring the safety of railway traffic using satellite tec
hnologies in the railway industry as a whole on the basis of technologies developed for individual farms.

7. IT technologies

Iat sensors are able to provide a lot of data about the r
ailway: the problems of controlling the vertical displace
ment of tracks and the temperature changes that lead t
o the derailment of trains. In addition, the technological
development and transformation of rails and stations in
to smart rails and smart stations opens up profitable op
portunities for startups and major market players.
For example, Skype Technologies plans to develop a g
lobal narrow-band IoT network for collecting machine d
ata collected from transport infrastructure and agricultu
ral equipment, starting in 2020. They tested their devel
opment-the Skylo Hub-in conjunction with Indian Railw
ays and installed portable integrated satellite transceiv
ers and IoT hubs in railway cars and equipment.

8. Smart shipyards

The spread of smart rails goes hand in
hand with the development of smart shi
pyards for the repair and maintenance o
f railcars and engines, the use of lubrica
nts for railcars for the smooth operation
of engines, the monitoring of railway tra
cks, the prediction of track plate breakd
owns, and the fixing of internal combusti
on components. Smart shipyards consis
t of sensors installed on the roadside to
collect data from passing cars and wag

9. Hydrogen engine

Improving the intellectual level of railwa
ys allows us to pay more attention to th
e environment in the world. Several cou
ntries have focused on developing hydr
ogen-based trains, as they are capable
of creating a new generation of low-carb
on transport and rail services. Zero-emi
ssion hydrogen-powered trains are alre
ady available in Europe, Asia, and now
North America.

10. Hybrid locomotive

The development of hybrid vehicles
is another steady trend. Electric car
s and electric buses have already c
ome into our lives. The queue for rai
lway transport. A couple of years ag
o, at the InnoTrans-2018 exhibition,
almost all major global locomotive m
anufacturers-Toshiba, Alstom, Gmei
nder Lokomotiven GmbH and others
-presented serial samples of hybrid
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