Презентация Shakespeare's Globe

Shakespeare's Globe

1. Презентация Shakespeare's Globe

Овчинникова Елизавета 5а класс


Shakespeare’s Globe Theater is one of the oldest theaters in England.
The legendary theater “The Globe”, comfortably located on the banks of
the Thames in the heart of the city.
It was originally built in the Bankside area in 1599 with funds from the
actors of the Lord Chamberlain’s Men troupe, to which William
Shakespeare also belonged.


The premieres of many plays of the great playwright were held
there. Globus was one of the most successful theaters in
London, and Shakespeare was one of its co-owners, along
with other actors.


What theaters looked like then - a round hall for three thousand
people, a hole instead of a roof and a standing stall.
Currently, the Globe Theater is one of London's most famous
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