Reasons to become a prosecutor.
About the profession
The first reason:
The relevance of the prosecutor and his salary
Mental abilities
Categories: educationeducation lawlaw

Reasons to become a prosecutor

1. Reasons to become a prosecutor.

Petrova Alexandra
11 SPD

2. About the profession

Prosecutorial activity has a direct connection with criminal violations,
therefore, prosecutors cannot do without steel endurance. Every day
they are waiting for proceedings with those who violate the law.
They do scrupulous work – prosecutors spend an impressive part of
their working time checking documents and facts, and understand the
reliability of evidence.
Personal qualities of the prosecutor:
Personal integrity and honesty;
Analytical thinking ability;
Emotional and mental stability.

3. The first reason:

Career growth in the
Moving up the career ladder in this profession is
not so easy. The highest level in this structure, of
course, is the position of the Prosecutor General of
the Russian Federation.
However, to achieve it, it will take years of service,
first in the district prosecutor's office, then in the
regional, and then in the Prosecutor General's
Office. A candidate for any managerial position
requires a case of successfully solved cases,
extensive experience in participating in processes,
an impeccable reputation, and organizational skills.
A good prosecutor always has a chance to move up
the career ladder, because the profession is
prestigious and well-paid.

4. The relevance of the prosecutor and his salary

The prosecutor's profession is extremely in demand
and prestigious. At the same time, as a rule, there
are no problems with employment.
Law schools graduate a huge number of specialists
every year, but the prosecutor's office, as in any
department, has a staff turnover. Not everyone can
work in this specialty, so there is always a chance for

5. Mental abilities

Prosecutors have good
mental abilities. The
profession involves constant
training and improvement,
which has a positive effect
on intelligence.
They are very smart and quickwitted people who know how
to make the right decision in
difficult situations. In addition,
people with excellent mental
abilities will never be out of
• The prosecutor's profession is one of the most
attractive among legal specialties. Despite the
difficulty of getting an education and the long
path of becoming a specialist, the result
achieved completely makes up for all the
losses on the way to the goal.


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