The best of British Inventions
Match the words in bold to their definitions
Category: englishenglish

The best of British Inventions. Module 8

1. The best of British Inventions

Module 8 Culture corner
By I. Kukushkina

2. Vocabulary

1. Appliance – устройство, приспособление
2. Take for granted – принимать как должное
3. Encourage – поощрять, подбадривать
4. Railway – железнодорожный путь
5. Engine – двигатель
6. Transmit – передавать
7. Decade – декада
8. String – нитка, шнурок
9. Cardboard – картон
10. Establish – основывать, создавать
11. Image – изображение
12. Marvel – чудо, диво, нечто необычное

3. Reading

• Ex. 2 p. 151 Read the timeline and complete the gaps (1-12) with
the correct form of the words in brackets. Переведите письменно
первые 2 текста на стр. 151. Listen and check.
• Match the invention to the person:
1. J. L. Baird
a. ‘analytical engine’
2. G. Stephenson
b. Electric motor
3. C. Babbage
c. ‘TV set’
4. M. Faraday
d. Steam train locomotive

4. Match the words in bold to their definitions

1. Appliances
2. Take for granted
3. Steam train
4. Encourage
5. Railway
6. Revolution
7. Establish
8. Computing
9. Detailed
10. Transmit
11. Decade
a. Think something is real / true
b. A train that operates by steam produces
by burning coal
c. Devices or machines that you use to do a
d. Contribute to the progress
e. A relatively sudden and absolutely drastic
f. Start
g. Routs between places along which trains
travel on rails
h. Period of 10 years
i. Using a computer
j. Send from one person or place to another
k. Containing a lot of facts and information
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