
The hidden power of smiling


The hidden power of


Plan for the meeting:
• Intro (getting to know each
•Talk about smile
• Top 7 benefits of smiling


Daria Shebeko
a fun of English language;
8+ teaching experience:
Degree in linguistics;
Cambridge CAE certificate;
Participant of several language exchange
programs in Spain ;
• Courses creator: “Business English”,
“business writing communication”.
• 500+ reached their goals with me;
• my blog on Instagram @uchukaknado
about English and motivation.
Introduce yourself!
(What’s your name? Where are you from?
What do you do? What’s English for you?)


Answer the questions
1 Do you like smiling?
2. “Smiling is the key that fits the lock of everybody’s
heart”. What do you make of this state?
3 “Always laugh when you can, it’s cheap medicine”.
Do you agree?
4 What memories from the past always put a smile on
your face?
5 What was one thing that made you smile today?
6 How many times a day do you smile?
7 Think of some benefits of smiling?


The top 7 benefits of smiling
Comment upon the benefits
1. Improved mood. Smiling can boost your mood
when you’re feeling blue, and may be beneficial for
people struggling with anxiety and depression.
2. Lower blood pressure.
3. Stress relief.
4. Better relationships.
5. Stronger Immune Function.
6. Pain relief.
7. Longer life.


Watch the video “hidden power of
Decide if the sentences are TRUE or FALSE
a) Smiling players lived longer than those who didn't smile in their
b) Babies start to smile after they are born.
c) Children smile no more than 400 times a week.
d) People who smile a lot seem to be more skilled than those who


Answer the questions
1 What are the benefits of smiling? (Think about work,
friends, strangers, etc.)
2 What can you do in your life to smile more?
3 How do you know that somebody is faking a smile?
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