Category: sportsport

The value of sport in human life


The value of sport in human life
Работу выполнил Ильин Никита
Группа ПОфк/б-18-4о


Sport - Definition
Sport (Eng. Sport, short for the original old French desport “game”, “entertainment”) - organized according to certain rules
people’s activity, consisting in comparing their physical or
intellectual abilities, as well as preparing for this activity and
interpersonal relationships that arise in her process.
Sport is a specific kind of physical and intellectual activity
performed for the purpose of competition, as well as purposeful
preparation for them by warming up, training. In combination
with relaxation, the desire to gradually improve physical health,
increase intelligence, obtain moral satisfaction, strive for
excellence, improve personal, group and absolute records, fame,
improve one’s physical abilities and skills, sports are designed to
improve the physical and mental characteristics of a person.


Does a person need sport?
Sport has amazing properties. It can unite people,
introduce them to each other, in most cases, the
sport strengthens the health, character and even
mental abilities of the people who deal with it,
develops such skills as speed, agility, reaction,
coordination, endurance, patience and strength in
them. Sport makes people more resistant to negative
environmental factors. It often brings people a lot of
positive emotions, for example, when a favorite team
wins or when a person achieves some result in it.


How many times a week do you need
to go in for sports?
You cannot say “in general” exactly how many days you need to train, for different situations this value
will be different.
The number of workouts per week depends on these factors:
1. From the purpose of your studies
Perhaps you want to do fitness to maintain health and relieve stress, you may want to lose weight or
develop strength and muscle mass. The end determines the means.
2. From the training program (type of loads, volume of loads, intensity of loads)
Agree that training can be very different. Recovery time depends on the degree and volume of the load
- the harder your workouts, the more rest will be needed to recover.
3. The degree of preparedness of the athlete and the speed of his recovery
It is necessary to gradually accustom the muscles to the loads, and not try to immediately break the
4. From the mode of life (sleep, nutrition, etc.)
The state of the nervous system and muscle recovery depend on this.
As a result, sports should be given 2-4 days a week


What is the danger of excessive
Excessive loads are known to lead to accelerated
aging, a decrease in the body's defenses, as well as to
great problems with the musculoskeletal system, in
particular, due to the high risk of injuries and
congestion of the musculoskeletal system. Too much
load on our body leads to the production of a large
number of free radicals, while metabolic processes
are also deteriorating. And on hot days, increased
workouts can result in dehydration.


Famous Sports
We know thousands of sports, but here are a few
Football, basketball, volleyball, handball, cricket, golf,
baseball, long jump, high jump, multi-distance running,
swimming, diving, cycling, weightlifting, boxing, all
kinds of wrestling, rowing, polo, hockey, figure skating,
speed skating, javelin and javelin throwing, tennis,
gymnastics, horse racing, wrestling.


World records
100-meter Usain Bolt race - 9.58 s
1000 meter race Noy Ngeni - 2: 11.96
High jump 2.45 m Javier Sotomayor
Pole vault 6.14 m Sergey Bubka
8.95m long jump Mike Powell
Triple Jump 18.29 m Jonathan Edwards
Shot put 23,12 m Randy Barnes
Here are the most famous records:
Discus throw 74.08 m Jürgen Schult
Hammer throw 86.74 m Yuri Sedykh
Javelin throw 98.48 m Jan Zhelezny


With the help of sport, a person can reach
unprecedented heights, become stronger, faster,
stronger in spirit.
But too frequent and hard playing sports can lead to
injuries and you can forget about a healthy body.
There are a lot of sports and everyone can find
something for himself.
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