Category: life safetylife safety

Виды ЧС. Тема 7


Тема 7 «Виды ЧС»


Exercise 1. Read the international word combinations:
Pose an immediate risk, urgent
intervention, a worsening of the
situation, an affected party,
emergency management, medical
emergencies, the highest priority
emergency, human life, serious
consequences, well-being of
people, subsequently escalate, life
threatening, affect the natural
environment, far reaching effects,
the long term condition of the
land, forest fires, marine oil spills


Exercise 2. Match the equivalents:
1. immediate
2. property
3. environment
4. urgent
5. intervention
6. mitigation
7. incident
8. hurricane
9. flood
10. mudslide
11. consequences
12. well-being
13. to threaten
a) оползень
b) вмешательство
c) ураган
d) благополучие
e) последствия
f) угрожать
g) срочный
h) имущество
i) непосредственный
j) окружающая среда
k) наводнение
l) происшествие
m) предупреждение последствий


Exercise 3. Read and translate the following text:
Text: Emergency Situations
An emergency is a situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life,
property, or environment. Most emergencies require urgent intervention to
prevent a worsening of the situation, although in some situations, mitigation
may not be possible.
While some emergencies are self-evident (such as a natural disaster that
threatens many lives), many smaller incidents may be qualified as emergencies
depending on an affected party decisions. The precise definition of an
emergency, the agencies involved and the measures taken may vary, and this is
usually determined by the government, whose emergency services are
responsible for emergency management.


Dangers to life and health: Many emergencies cause an immediate danger
to the life of people involved. This can range from emergencies affecting a
single person, such as the entire range of medical emergencies including heart
attacks and traumas, to incidents that affect large numbers of people such as
natural disasters including tornadoes, hurricanes, floods, and mudslides. Most
agencies consider these the highest priority emergency since nothing is more
important than human life.
Some emergencies are not
immediately threatening to
life but might have serious
consequences for the health
and well-being of people and
can subsequently escalate to
life threatening.


Dangers to the environment: Some
emergencies do not immediately
endanger life, health or property, but
affect the natural environment. They can
have far reaching effects on people,
animals and the long term condition of
the land. These emergencies include
forest fires, marine oil spills, etc.
Exercise 4. Answer the questions:
1. What is an emergency?
2. What does its precise definition depend on?
3. What emergencies cause an immediate danger to the life of people involved?
4. What emergencies do not immediately endanger life, health or property, but
affect the natural environment?
5. What danger do they present for people, animals and the land?


Exercise 5. Fill in the missing words and read the text: severity, death
count, warning, density, rebuild, duration, determine, shelters, events.
Natural disasters are extreme, sudden ____1____ caused by environmental
factors that injure people and damage property.
There is an acute phase, a transition phase and a long-term phase of an
emergency. The ____2____ of each phase depends on the nature of each
emergency, and it is difficult to ____3____ it in terms of number of hours, days,
weeks, months or years. Earthquakes, tsunamis, windstorms, floods, and disease
all strike anywhere on earth, often without ____4____. The severity of a disaster
is measured in lives lost, economic loss, and the ability of the population to
____5____. All natural disasters cause loss in some way. Depending on the
____6____, lives can be lost in any number of disasters. Some disasters cause
more loss of life than others, and population ____7____ affects the ____8____
as well. Loss of property affects people’s living quarters and ____9____.




Exercise 5. Fill in the missing words and read the text: livelihood, support and
assistance, food and medical supplies, livable, beyond repair, intense, saturated,
accidents or disasters.
Fields ____10____ in salt water after tsunamis take years to grow crops again.
Homes destroyed by floods, hurricanes, cyclones, landslides and avalanches, a volcanic
eruption, or an earthquake are often ____11____ or take a lot of time to become
____12____. again. The natural disasters worldwide tend to become more ____13____
as the years go on. In some areas, the population has got prepared for the disasters and
____14____ are built for hurricanes and tornadoes.
People involved in major ____15____ have very practical and social needs:
- basic and advanced life support and emergency medical care;
- shelter, drinking, eating, sleeping and basic hygiene;
- interpersonal contact, communication and the exchange of information.
Different countries send ____16____ and other humanitarian aid to the areas of the
natural disaster. A civilized society should guarantee everyone, without exception, the
right to ____ 17 ____ in all emergency situations.


volcanic eruption


Exercise 6. Read and translate the word combinations:
Developed countries, emergency services, to provide assistance, deal with, tax
revenue, public service, private companies, in return for payment, donationsraised voluntary organizations, harmful fires, rescue operations, prevent loss of
life, road traffic collisions,
damage to health, secondary
agencies, mountain rescue, mine
rescue, bomb disposal, search
and rescue


Exercise 7. Finish the sentences and read the text “Emergency Services”:
1. Most developed countries have a
number of emergency services whose
purpose is …
2. They are often government operated,
paid for …
3. In some cases, they may be private
companies, responding to emergencies
4. They also may be donations raised
voluntary organizations, …
5. Most developed countries operate
three main emergency services – …
6. Police deals with …
a) the police, fire service and
emergency medical service.
b) providing various kinds of
c) loss of life, damage to health and
damage to or loss of property.
d) from tax revenue as a public
e) to provide assistance in dealing
with any emergency.
f) in return for payment.



Exercise 7. Finish the sentences and read the text “Emergency Services”:
7. They also deal with punishment of
g) preventing loss of life and damage
those who …
to health.
8. Fire service deals with …
h) special rescue operations such as
mountain or mine rescue or bomb
9. Its actions help to prevent …
i) security of people and property.
10. Emergency Medical Service is
j) cause an emergency through their
decisive in …
11. There may also be a number of
k) potentially harmful fires, road
secondary emergency services, which traffic collisions and performing
may be …
rescue operations.
12. This can include services providing l) a part of one of the core agencies or

may be separate and assist the main


Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English:
1. В большинстве развитых стран существуют специальные службы по
ликвидации ЧС.
2. Одни из них являются правительственными и финансируются
департаментом налогов и сборов, другие являются частными и работают
за денежное вознаграждение.
3. Существуют добровольные организации, получающие средства за счет
пожертвований и оказывающие различные виды помощи.
4. Существуют три главные службы ликвидации ЧС: полиция, пожарная
служба и служба скорой медицинской помощи.
5. Полиция обеспечивает безопасность личности и собственности, а также
имеет дело с наказанием тех, чьи действия приводят к возникновению ЧС.


Exercise 8. Translate the following sentences into English:
6. Пожарная служба ликвидирует опасные возгорания, а также участвует в
спасательных операциях во время ДТП.
7. Действия пожарной службы помогают предотвратить гибель, нанесение
ущерба здоровью, ущерб или утрату имущества.
8. Служба скорой медицинской помощи пытается уменьшить число потерь
и ущерб здоровью.
9. Существуют вспомогательные службы, являющиеся частью основных,
или работающие самостоятельно.
10. Эти службы оказывают специализированную помощь, например,
спасение в горах, аварийно-спасательные работы в шахтах, обезвреживание
взрывных устройств и поисково-спасательные операции.


Exercise 9. Match the equivalents:
1. flood
2. civil disorder
3. CBR emergency
4. blizzard
5. dam failure
6. drought
7. chemical spill
8. hostile
9. adverse
11. forbidden
a) засуха
16. civilians
b) уголовное право
c) бедственный
17. pursuit
d) насилие
18. disturbance
e) наводнение
19. agent
f) разлитие
20. casualties
g) жертвы
h) преследование
i) устрашение
j) нарушение
12. criminal law
13. overflow
14. violence
15. intimidation
l) гражданские беспорядки
m) утечка химических веществ
n) запрещенный
o) ЧС, связанная с применением хим., биол. и радиоактивных
p) быстро
q) вещество
r) сильная метель
s) враждебный
t) прорыв плотины


civil disorder


Exercise 10. Match the kinds of emergencies with their definitions:
a) A state of open and declared armed hostile conflict
1) Emergency
between states or nations.
b) The unlawful use of violence and intimidation,
2) Flood
especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims.
c) A situation that poses an immediate risk to health, life,
3) CBR
property, or environment. Most cases require urgent
intervention to prevent a worsening of the situation.
d) An overflow of a large amount of water beyond its
4) War
normal limits, especially over what is normally dry land.
e) Emergency when dangerous agents are released, that
5) Terrorism
may have catastrophic effects and cause mass casualties.


Industrial hazard


Exercise 10. Match the kinds of emergencies with their definitions:
6) Civil disorder
7) Criminality
8) Industrial hazard
9) Tornado
10) Natural disaster
f) Any condition/substance produced by industries
that may cause injury or death to personnel or loss of
product and property.
g) Any public disturbance involving acts of violence
towards authorities.
h) Behavior that is forbidden by criminal law.
i) A major adverse event resulting from natural
processes of the Earth.
j) A strong, dangerous wind that forms itself into an
upside-down spinning cone and is able to destroy
buildings as it moves across the ground.


Exercise 11. Match the equivalents:
1. fear
a) тошнота
2. grief
b) раздражительность
3. numbness
c) страх
4. fatigue
d) спутанный
5. exhaustion
e) боли различного характера
6. agitation
f) повторяющиеся воспоминания о травмирующем событии
7. aches and pain
g) навязчивые состояния
8. insomnia
h) отупение
9. nausea
i) временная потеря контроля над сознанием
10. gastrointestinal upset j) слабость
11. irritability
k) возбудимость
12. flashbacks
l) горе
13. obsessions
m) бессонница
14. bizarre
n) полный упадок сил
15. dissociation
o) желудочно-кишечные расстройства


Exercise 14. Read the text “Disaster-Induced Traumas” and fill in the table
with corresponding kinds of stress reactions:
In almost every state psycho-social intervention is initiated after mass
emergencies. Stress responses in the face of a disaster are normal and the
psychological reactions of people in emergencies are normal in the context of
abnormal circumstances. Most disaster survivors experience only mild to
moderate stress reactions lasting from a few days to a few weeks. Most common
traumatic stress reactions are the following:
1) irritability, distrust, conflict, feeling rejected or abandoned, etc.
2) fatigue, muscle tension, exhaustion, agitation, aches and pain, insomnia, racing
heartbeat, nausea, change in appetite, gastrointestinal upset, reduced immune


3) shock, fear, anger, guilt, shame, grief, numbness, helplessness and
hopelessness, lack of joy
4) disorientation, confusion, worry, indecisiveness, inability to focus, shortened
attention span, memory loss, self-blame, decreased self-esteem
Serious stress symptom can lead to post-traumatic stress disorders (PTSD) and
depression. Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental disorder resulting
from exposure to an extreme, traumatic event. About one in three disaster
survivors experience various serious stress symptoms such as:
- dissociation (feeling completely unreal or outside yourself, like in a dream;
having "blank" periods of time you cannot remember)
- intrusive re-experiencing (terrifying memories, nightmares, or flashbacks)
- extreme attempts to avoid disturbing memories (e.g., substance abuse)
- extreme emotional numbing (completely unable to feel emotions)
- panic attacks, extreme irritability and agitation)


- severe depression (complete loss of hope, self-worth, motivation, or purpose in
Stress reactions requiring psychiatric intervention and/or hospitalization:
- severe dissociation (spacing out, staring into emptiness, feeling as if the world
is unreal, not feeling connected to one's own body, losing one's sense of identity,
- severe flashbacks, terrifying memories or nightmares
- severe panic attacks, difficulty controlling violent impulses, inability to
- severe phobias, obsessions, fear of losing control
- severe depression (lack of pleasure in life, feelings of worthlessness, selfblame)
- problematic substance use (dependency or over-medication with prescription
- hallucinations, bizarre thoughts or images.
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