Category: englishenglish

My adventurous journey




My andventurous journey
I have never had such an adventurous journey as Will did. I
prefer planning and thinking of each step of travel. However,
nothing’s perfect. I have had a lot of situations that made me
nervous and required some risks. Today I would like to share
these moments with you. Have fun ;)


Top- 5


Rain and identical chinese streets
Last summer my boyfriend and I went to China. As we live
near the border with China, we went there by bus. Bus
stopped in the centre of the town and everyone went
separate ways. We had to find our hotel without a map
and GPS. In addition, a huge rain started. We were about
to get lost, while found a map of the town on the ground.
Wet but not depressed we succesfully found the hotel
and were safe and sound.


On our last day in New York, we were free and could go anywhere we want and buy
some souvenirs. We were going to meet at a particular time in the hotel we lived in.
Me and my friend (she didn’t speak English) were first who came. The receptionist
came to us and hurried us up to check out. I was only 16, had a language barrier and
couldn’t speak to foreigners. That moment I forgot about this barrier and gave the
receptionist a phone number of the woman who was responsible for us. This story
may seem usual for you, but as for me, it was an achievement that I could talk to a
foreigner and explained him everything.


3. Lost in ghetto
We went to the Bronx zoo in New
York. We were said before that the
zoo is located in not a very peaceful
place. We enjoyed being with
animals and were about to leave…
And we lost one of the girls in our
group. We decided to divide into two
and find the girl. After some time we
got lost too. It was creepy but we
managed to find each other.


Our flight to New York was through Zurich,
Switzerland. There we were going to wait 10
hours before the plane to NY. When we were
going from the one terminal to the other, I left my
passport in the train. In the moment of checkingin I noticed that I didn’t have my passport with
me. It was very nervous but Zurich airport
workers are very kind people. They comforted
me with a delicious Swiss chocolate and (thanks
God) found my passport.
The photo before I
noticed that I hadn’t
had passport with me


When we went to China with my boyfriend, my
parents didn’t know that I was going to visit
this country with him. They thought that I
went there with my friend. When we came to
Russia, we understood that all the secrets had
revealed. I was ashamed and I am still sorry
for this.


Looking at all the events
afterwards makes me think
that I am a kind of unlucky
person. I always have
something wrong. At the same
time I’m sure that everything
that happens In our lives helps
us to learn from our mistakes.
I’m glad that all this things
happened to me.


At the end of this project I would like
to share a wonderful saying with you
The journey of a thousand miles
begins with one step.
Do not be afraid to make this step
and you will find your life much more
interesting than it was


Thank you for
This is how my presentation looks like
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