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The Kazakh batyr known as Lomonosov – Eldes Omarov


The Kazakh batyr known as Lomonosov –
Eldes Omarov
Root Valeria, 8th Grade
Mayskaya Secondary School
Advisor: Abilpanova G


• Eldes Omarov is an outstanding scientist, a skilled
translator, an excellent teacher and a well-known
public figure.
• The lions of Alash today have made a huge
contribution to our independence.


• Eldes' great contribution to the
history of Kazakhstan, his
participation in the first kurultai
(congress) of Turkologists, in 1926 in


The Court of the Kazakh SSR of August
22, 1989 ruled: Determination of the
Judicial Collegium for Cases of the
Supreme Court of the Kazakh SSR No.
11 of November 4, 1988 in relation to
Omarov Eldes - Omarov Eldes was
It took Asyl-aga sixty years, the life of
one person, to get rid of the
• He was last imprisoned and
tortured on November 22, 1937. At
that time, Eldes aga and his family
lived at 95 Vinogradov Street in
Almaty. On December 1, 1937, a
trinity of employees of the Almaty
Regional NKVD without
investigation sentenced him to


•“Қазақстан”: Ұлттық энцклопедия/Бас редактор Ә. Нысанбаев – Алматы “Қазақ
энциклопедиясы” Бас редакциясы, 1998 ISBN 5-89800-123-9
• https://znanio.ru/media/prezentatsiya_eldes_omarova-246610
•Қазақ тілі. Энциклопедия. Алматы: Қазақстан Республикасы Білім, мәдениет және
денсаулық сақтау министрлігі, Қазақстан даму институты, 1998 жыл, 509 бет. ISBN 57667-2616-3
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