
Salvador Dali. Magical art


Salvador Dali. Magical art
January 28 - March 25
the online version is
available on the Moscow
24 portal


About what this exhibition
This exhibition of the artist
in Moscow is the second in
ten years — in 2011 . Both
of these exhibitions are not
only solo, but also
biographical-the second
one traces the entire
creative path of Dali from
the impressionist
experiences of the early
20s to the return to
classical painting in the late


Author of the Chupa-Chupa logo and
a great provocateur
The Manege exhibition
is designed in such a
way that visitors can
trace all the stages of
Dali's work. At the
entrance, guests are met
by the Maestro himself:
in a huge photo, he is
depicted with a
trademark mustache.


The route of the exhibition
Then visitors will be able to
explore the artist's early
experiences in cubism,
impressionism and classical
style. They will get
acquainted with the
abstractions of nuclearmystical creativity created
under the impression of the
bombing of Hiroshima and
Nagasaki and will study
surrealism, which Dali called
the reflection of inner
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