Category: englishenglish

Контрольная работа по дисциплине «Английский язык»


Федеральное государственное автономное образовательное учреждение
высшего образования «Севастопольский государственный университет»
Институт национальной технологической инициативы
Кафедра «Гидробиология и общая экология»
Контрольная работа
по дисциплине «Английский язык»
The theme of the final qualifying work: «Bioindication of the coastal areas of the city of Sevastopol».
Выполнил: студент группы _ЦЭ/м-18- 1-з____
Ф.И.О_Андреенко Наталья Николаевна_______
Проверил: ______________________________


Goal: to analyze changes in the aquatic environment of the
coastal areas of the city of Sevastopol for the presence of
Tasks: to analyze the group of individuals of one species
(fishes), by the presence, condition and behavior of which
they judge changes in the environment.
Object: the process of increasing the level of
anthropogenic impact on the coastal areas of the city of
Subject: bioindication of the coastal areas of the city of


Monitoring the sources of
anthropogenic impacts is a
purely technical procedure
that does little to assess the
state of ecosystems if these
anthropogenic impacts are
not catastrophic. The key
elementary object of
environmental monitoring
can only be a species


Bio indicator: a group of individuals of
one species or community, by the
presence, condition and behavior of
which they judge changes in the
environment, including the presence and
concentration of pollutants ... Indicator
community - a community, by the speed
of development, structure and well-being
of individual populations of
microorganisms, fungi, plants and
animals which can be judged on the
general condition of the environment,
including its natural and artificial
Bioindication is the definition of
biologically significant loads based on
the reactions of living organisms and
their communities to them. This fully
applies to all types of anthropogenic


The main objective of
bioindication is the
development of methods and
criteria that could
adequately reflect the level
of anthropogenic impacts
taking into account the
complex nature of pollution
and diagnose early
disturbances in the most
sensitive components of
biotic communities.


The role of bioindication is reduced to the following set of actions:
one or more of the studied environmental factors is highlighted
(according to published data or in connection with the existing
monitoring research program);
field and experimental data are collected that characterize the biotic
processes in the ecosystem under consideration, and theoretically
these data should be measured in a wide range of variation of the
studied factor (for example, in relatively clean and relatively dirty
a conclusion is drawn about the indicator value of a species or a
group of species (by means of a simple visual comparison, using a
system of previously calculated estimated coefficients or using
mathematical methods of primary data processing).


Thank you for the attention!
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