Category: psychologypsychology

5 ways to get rid of stage fright




One of my teachers thinks that there are only two fears: fear
of the unknown and stage fright. You can agree with him or
not, but fears associated with drawing attention to your
personality and public opinion occupy a large place in the life
and psychology of many (if not all) of us as members of
The most vivid example, perhaps, is speaking to the public,
be it making a toast at the next feast, giving a lecture by a
teacher or a politician's monologue in front of a large crowd.
So how can stage fright be overcome?


1. Imagine yourself alone.
There can be a lot of options,
depending on the imagination.
Some seem to disconnect from
reality and imagine that there is no
one around or even that they are in
a completely different place, for
example, at home. For other
people, the option is to imagine
that his environment is just a
reproduced video sequence, as on
a TV. And, accordingly, no one sees
him either.


2. Focus on WHAT you DO, not HOW it LOOKS LIKE
Excitement is almost always associated with thoughts
of how we currently look from the outside and what
others will think of us. In this case, our attention is
entirely devoted to this aspect of what is happening.
Therefore, what needs to be done is to direct your
attention to the action being performed.


3. Reduce the significance of what is happening
In your imagination, add an
element of comic or absurdity to
the situation. One of the
frequently used examples is to
imagine that everyone is
wearing diapers or funny hats.


4.Method of desensitization
It consists in repeated repetition of a stressful situation,
starting with a minimum level of stress and gradually
increasing the intensity of the stressor. That is, for example,
first imagine how you are performing in front of an audience
of two, and these are your good friends. Then perform to
them. Then three people (or two less close ones). Do this
each time until you feel calm. And gradually increase the
number of people and reduce the degree of closeness of
relations with them.


5. Imagine that the worst has already happened.
When you are preparing for the performance and notice the excitement, you might
wonder what exactly you are afraid of. I must say right away that at this moment two
parts seem to live in us: one adult, logical, and the other childish, irrational. And the
response to the question addressed to yourself “What the worst can happen?” will be
“Nothing”. And then it will persuade and get angry at the irrational, explaining to her that
there is no point in being afraid. The excitement will not diminish.
Therefore, the children's part should be asked. What is it afraid of? And look in this
direction. What answers are coming? What situations are being drawn? When you get
your answer, pretend it has already happened. And you have nothing to lose in this case.
First, it will suddenly become clear that the worst case scenario is not so dire. Secondly,
the very fact that certainty appears reduces anxiety.
Remember the session at the university. If you have ever failed an exam, you may
remember that the excitement faded away both after a grade and after successfully
passing the exam. Very often we are more worried about the suspended state than the
bad, but certainty.
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