
Answer the questions


Answer the questions
1. What types of school do you know?
2. What type of school do you go?
3. Do you wear a uniform at school?
4. Do you take part in any extra-curricular activities?
5. What school subjects do you study?
6. What is your favourite school subject? Why?
7. Are there any strict rules in your school?
8. Are the teachers in your school strict? Who’s the strictest teacher in
your school?
9. What do you want to study when you get into a university?
10. Do you participate in any school creative or sports competitions?


My school_-_Article
• My school is a_________school.
• We study all the usual subjects such as_________. My favourite subject(s)
is/are_________because I like learning about_________.
• Most of the students live nearby/far from/not far from the school.
• The teachers in our school are_________. They_________.
• As for the school facilities and equipment, we’ve got_________in our school.
• The school day usually starts at_________and finishes at_________. When
the lessons are over, students can take part in extra-curricular activities, such
• There are some rules in our school. For example, we must/mustn’t_________.
There aren’t any rules in our school.
• The best thing about our school is_________. On the other hand,_________.




An author
A traffic warden
A vet
A doctor
An artist
A lion tamer
An operator
A waiter
An air traffic controller
An architect
A graphic designer
An accountant
A cashier
A computer programmer
A pizza delivery boy
A car salesman
A sales assistant
A bank teller
A translator
A gardener
A carpenter
A fisherman
A businessman
A managing director
A bank clerk
A surgeon
A secretary
A lawyer
An engineer
A singer
A dancer
An actor
A naval officer
A pilot
A fire fighter
A hairdresser
A beautician
A florist
A dentist


• Working as a businessman involves a lot of travelling.
• Working as a businessman means you travel a lot


Student 1: Would you like to be a firefighter when you grow up?
Student 2: Yes, I definitely hope to be a firefighter because my aim is
to save people/No, I wouldn’t like to be a firefighter because it’s a
risky job and asks a lot of responsibility.


Student 1: Are you going to be a businessman when you grow up?
Student 2: Yes, I think I’ll be a businessman because it’s a well-paid job
and involves a lot of travelling/I don’t really want to be a businessman
because it asks a lot of responsibility.


• Bring home the bacon
• Follow in one’s
в одинаковом
зарабатывать деньги
для семьи
• In the same boat
мастер на все руки
• Jack-of-all-trades
идти по стопам


1. My father is a surgeon and I would like/but I don’t want to follow in
his footsteps.
2. My father is a jack-of-all-trades. He can repair cars, paint houses,
sell cars and plants trees.
3. My sister and I are in the same boat because we have to help
around the house at weekends.
4. My father works hard as a dentist to bring home the bacon.
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