Соединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of four countries
The map of the UK
49 million people live in England
3 million people live in Wales
5 million people live in Scotland
2 million people live in Northern Ireland
Retell the story about the UK
Category: historyhistory

Соединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии

1. Соединённое Королевство Великобритании и Северной Ирландии

Презентация по английскому языку для 5-6 классов
общеобразовательной школы
Ковалёва Елена Александровна, учитель английского
языка МБОУ «Пустошкинская средняя
общеобразовательная школа»

2. The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland consists of four countries

• England
• Scotland
• Wales
• Northern Ireland

3. The map of the UK


The flag of the UK

5. 49 million people live in England

The capital of England is London
49 million people live in England


The symbol of England is a red rose


Big Ben is the name of the big bell in the
clock tower of the Houses of Parliament

8. 3 million people live in Wales

The capital of Wales is Cardiff
3 million people live in Wales


The symbol of Wales is a daffodil


The flag of Wales


Wales is the country of princes and castles

12. 5 million people live in Scotland

The capital of Scotland is Edinburgh
5 million people live in Scotland


The symbol of Scotland is a thistle


The flag of Scotland


Loch Ness is the most famous lake in Scotland

16. 2 million people live in Northern Ireland

The capital of Northern Ireland is Belfast
2 million people live in Northern Ireland


The flag of Northern Ireland


The symbol of Northern Ireland is a shamrock


40.000 stone columns is the Giant’s Causeway

20. Retell the story about the UK

•The capital of … is…
•The symbol of … is…
•The flag of … is… (colour)
•… million people live in…
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