Category: englishenglish

My family project


Donskoy College of information Technologies
Theme: ”My family”
Student: E. Ivan
Group: ISP-21-2
Teacher: Medvedeva Z. F.


1. What is a family?
2. How families appear?
3. Who are parents?
4. My father.
5. My mother.


What is a family?
A family is a community based on the marriage of
spouses who are connected spiritually, by a common way
of life and mutual moral responsibility. The concept of
family is quite voluminous, and its clear scientific
definition is rather difficult.


How families appear?
The family appeared when the exchange of excess
product in a pair ceased to be equivalent. The man was
able to give the woman more than he received from her,
directing the surplus to the maintenance of children.


Who are parents?
The role of parents in relation to a child is complex and
profound and varies depending on culture, religion and
people. Parents as educators are also responsible for the
behavior of their child in society. Thus, the upbringing of
children depends on the well-being of each person. A
child deprived of parents is defined as an orphan.


My father.
My father's name is Nikolai Ibrahimovich. He is 48 years
old. My father is an electrician. My father loves his job.
My father is strict, but I still love him.


My mother.
My mother's name is Svetlana Valeryevna. She is 42
years old. My mother is a Boogalter. My mom likes to
draw pictures, it's her hobby. She is kind.
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