Category: biographybiography

James Madison


Made by:
Kuanysh, 6th group


Biography – James Madison
• A diligent and dedicated public servant;
• On March 16, 1751, James Madison is
born on a plantation in Virginia;
• drafter of the Constitution, recorder of the
Constitutional Convention, author of the
Federalist Papers and fourth president of
the United States;
• Studying history and public administration,
well versed in the laws, he participated in
the drafting of the Virginia Constitution in
1776, worked in the Continental Congress
and was a leader in the Virginia Assembly.


So, let’s think!
• Magna Carta in 1215
Mayflower Compact in
1620 English Bill of
Rights in 1689
Declaration of
Independence in 1776


• After the colonies declared independence from
Britain in 1776, the Articles of Confederation
were created as the first constitution of the
United States.
• The Articles were ratified in 1781 and gave most
of the power to the individual state legislatures
who acted more like individual countries than a
union. This structure left the national Congress


Why was it written?
The articles of Confederation set
up the
structure of the US Government.
The federal government was extremely weak,
and this created many problems such as:
1. No separation of powers – only unicameral
2. Weak central government – states had most



The author of constitution(1809-1817)
• As they wanted a strong central government on
behalf of leaders Articles of Confederation
was ended up replacing the Articles and
creating a new one which is called the
"Constitutional Convention.”
• Madison is best remembered for his crucial role
at the 1787 Constitutional Convention, where he
presented the Virginia plan to the assembled
delegates in Philadelphia and oversaw the


• Madison, after undertaking an extensive
study of other world governments,
concluded that America needed a strong
federal government in order to help regulate
the state legislatures and create a better
system for raising federal money. He felt the
government should be set up with a system


Some fact about James Madison
•There was a 17-year difference in age
between James and with his wife Dolley.
The couple dated for just four months
before their marriage in 1794. James
was 43 years old. Dolley was 26. The
couple was inseparable after the


• https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/fatherof-the-constitution-is-born
• https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-whitehouse/presidents/james-madison/
• https://www.history.com/topics/uspresidents/james-madison
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