ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education Этапы подачи проектной заявки
Обязательные условия для участия
Структура проектной заявки
Parts A-C
Detailed project description. D.1
Detailed project description. List of Associated Partners
Detailed project description. D2 – Cooperation arrangements, management and communication
Part E – Project characteristics and relevance
Part F – Quality of project design and implementation
Part G – Impact, dissemination and exploitation, sustainability
Short term impact indicators. Example
Long term impact indicators. Example
LFM – Logical Framework Matrix
Part H – Work packages (WP)
H1: WPs
Описание рабочего пакета
WP: example
Описание результата (output)
Output: example
H3: Partners & Resources
H3: Resources - Subcontracting
Part I – Special mobility strand
Part J – Other EU Grants
Check List
E-form: создание
eForm: начальная страница
eForm: list of associated partners
eForm: состав
eForm: A1 Organization
eForm: A2 Person responsible for the management of the application (contact person)
eForm: A.3 Person authorised to represent the organisation in legally binding agreements
eForm: Part B. Description of the project
eForm: Part C. Specific information related to Capacity Building in HE Projects
eForm: C.4 Partner countries and regions involved in the project
eForm: Attachments
eForm: Submission number
eForm: tips
eForm: Mandates
CBHE: Useful links
CBHE: страница конкурса
Selection Results
Examples of Ongoing Projects

ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education

1. ERASMUS+ Capacity Building in the Field of Higher Education Этапы подачи проектной заявки

2. Обязательные условия для участия

• Организация должна быть
зарегистрирована на сайте Еврокомиссии и
иметь только один(!) утвержденный
(validated) личный идентификационный
номер (PIC - Personal Identification Code)
• Для того, чтобы получить PIC, необходимо
иметь личный кабинет в (ECAS (European
Commission Authentication Service) account)

3. PIC

4. PIC


6. Структура проектной заявки

• eForm (Parts A-C (в формате pdf))
• Parts D-J (Detailed project description в MS
• Budget (в формате MS Excel)

7. Parts A-C

• Part A. Identification of the applicant and if
applicable other organisation(s) participating
in the project
• Part B. Description of the project (Summary of
the project - max 2.000 characters, Priorities,
Dates and Languages)
• Part C. Specific information related to Capacity
Building in HE Projects

8. Detailed project description. D.1

9. Detailed project description. List of Associated Partners

10. Detailed project description. D2 – Cooperation arrangements, management and communication

• D2.1 Project management
• D2.2 Cooperation and communication
arrangements of the consortium

11. Part E – Project characteristics and relevance

• E1 – Why does the consortium wish to
undertake this project?
• E2 – Rationale for setting up of the
• E3 – European added value
• E4 – Innovative character

12. Part F – Quality of project design and implementation

F1 – Aims and objectives
F2 – Project activities and methodology
F3 – Budget and costs effectiveness
F4 – Quality control and monitoring

13. Part G – Impact, dissemination and exploitation, sustainability

• G1 – Expected impact of the project
• G2 – Dissemination and exploitation strategy
• G3 - Sustainability

14. G1

15. Short term impact indicators. Example

16. Long term impact indicators. Example

17. LFM – Logical Framework Matrix

18. Workplan

19. Part H – Work packages (WP)

• H1 – Description of work packages, outcomes
and activities
• H2 – Explanation of work package
expenditures + Special Mobility Strand
• H3 – Consortium partners involved and
resources required to complete the work

20. H1: WPs

Типы WP (РП):
WP1: Preparation
WP2: Development (может быть несколько)
WP3: Quality Plan
WP4: Dissemination & exploitation
WP5: Management

21. Описание рабочего пакета

22. WP: example

23. Описание результата (output)

24. Output: example

25. H3: Partners & Resources

H3: Partners & Resources

26. H3: Resources - Subcontracting

• Внешний аудит
• Переводы материалов

27. Part I – Special mobility strand

• I1 – Relevance of the mobility activities
I2 – Identification and selection of the participants
I3 – Preparation and support
I4 – Involvement of people with fewer opportunities
I5 – Recognition and validation of learning outcomes

28. Part J – Other EU Grants

29. Check List

30. Бюджет

Staff costs
Travel costs and costs of stay
Equipment costs
Special mobility strand – student
Special mobility strand – staff
Breakdown and Project funding
Unit costs and funding rules

31. Бюджет

32. eForm

• Создается онлайн
• Сохраняется в pdf
• Заполняется координатором offline и
загружается обратно в систему
• В eForm загружаются все остальные части
заявки (Detailed project description +

33. E-form: создание

34. eForm: начальная страница

35. eForm: list of associated partners

36. eForm: состав

• Part A: Identification of the applicant and if
applicable other organisation(s) participating
in the project
• A1: Organization
• A2: Person responsible for the management of
the application (contact person)
• A.3 Person authorised to represent the
organisation in legally binding agreements

37. eForm: A1 Organization

38. eForm: A2 Person responsible for the management of the application (contact person)

39. eForm: A.3 Person authorised to represent the organisation in legally binding agreements

40. eForm: Part B. Description of the project

• B.1 Summary of the project
• B.2 Priorities
• B.3 Dates and Languages

41. eForm: Part C. Specific information related to Capacity Building in HE Projects

• C.1 Aims and objectives addressed
• C.2 Specific objectives of the project as indicated
in the Logical Framework Matrix
• C.3 Project themes and priorities addressed by
this application
• C.4 Partner countries and regions involved in the
• C.5 Project history
• C.6 Special mobility strand

42. eForm: C.4 Partner countries and regions involved in the project

43. eForm: Attachments

44. eForm: Submission number

45. eForm: tips

• Нумерация партнеров должна совпадать во
всех частях заявки, координатор проекта
всегда под первым номером
• PIC должны иметь все партнеры, в т.ч. и
• Не ждите последнего момента, создавайте
электронную форму как только точно
определитесь с составом консорциума

46. eForm: Mandates

47. Tips

• Подавайте даже не окончательный вариант заявки
• Схема работы над частями D-J:
LFM outputs РП
все остальное
• Работайте в команде: общайтесь с партнерами,
считайте бюджет и пишите заявку одновременно
• При общении с партнерами старайтесь собрать всю
необходимую от них информацию по максимуму в
одной форме
• Верьте в успех

48. CBHE: Useful links

• Вся информация о текущем конкурсе
• Erasmus+ Programme Guide

49. CBHE: страница конкурса

50. Selection Results




53. Examples of Ongoing Projects



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