Category: educationeducation

Education System in Kazakhstan


The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Taraz Regional University named after M.Kh.Dulaty
Education System
in Kazakhstan
Checked by: Dzhailihanova Gulnar
Prepared by: Abdurashidova Akmaral


Education System in Kazakhstan
The education system in the Republic of Kazakhstan, based on the
principle of continuity and continuity of general educational and
educational programs, includes the following levels of education:
1) preschool education and training;
2) primary education;
3) basic secondary education;
4) secondary education (general secondary education, technical and
vocational education);
5) post-secondary education;
6) higher education;
7) postgraduate education


Primary Education
Schooling is mandatory in Kazakhstan and this reflects in a
national literacy rate of over 99%. The 5 grades of primary
school begin at age 6. Two groups of children attend morning
and afternoon shifts respectively per school. The ministry of
education prescribes the curriculum, and this applies to both
private and public schools.
Middle Education
Students continue with their education program at lower
secondary school for 4 years through to grade 9. A general
academic curriculum includes Russian or Kazach depending on
location, plus biology, chemistry, history, mathematics, physics,
and a foreign language.


Secondary Education
There are three options for the concluding 3 years at secondary
school. These include general education at a lyceum or
gymnasium, vocational education at a professional lyceum or
vocational school, and professional education at a professional
college. Education costs continue to be largely funded by the
Vocational Education
An ad-hoc training company is being established to oversee the
development of vocational training in Kazakhstan through an
unfolding network of institutions to complement current
structures. It is intended that this become a kingpin in the
nation’s emerging industrialization program


Tertiary Education
A variety of tertiary institutions attend to Kazakhstan’s higher
education needs, including universities, academies, institutes,
higher schools and colleges, and conservatories. Secondary
school teachers complete 5-year specialist diplomas at university
too. Of these, the former is the oldest, having been originally
established in 1933 under a different name. It has over 20,000
enrolled students supported by 2,500 faculty staff, and has
embarked on an ambitious expansion program.


Types of educational organization
Lyceum is an educational institution that implements general
education and additional educational curricula of basic
secondary and general secondary education, providing
expanded and in-depth natural and mathematical education of
students in accordance with their inclinations and abilities
Gymnasium - an educational institution that implements
general and additional educational curricula of primary, basic
secondary and general secondary education, providing
expanded and in-depth education in social, humanitarian and
other areas of study in accordance with the inclinations and
abilities of students


Types of educational organization
college - an educational institution that implements educational
curricula of general secondary and technical and vocational
education or post-secondary education
institute - a higher educational institution that implements
educational curricula of higher education
Academy is a higher educational institution that implements
educational curricula of higher and postgraduate education in
one or two groups of specialties


Types of educational organization
university - a higher educational institution that implements
educational curricula of higher education, master's and doctoral
studies in three or more groups of specialties, carries out
fundamental and applied research, is a scientific and
methodological center


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