The official name of our region is Zabaikal kray,because the region is located beyond Baikal
In our kray a lot of wild rosemary,so it is called the kray of wild rosemary
Many writers are called our kray is exiles kray because in our kray were deported thousands of People
Some people call him the cloaca due to poor infrastructure and low opportunity
Category: geographygeography

Zabaikal kray

1. The official name of our region is Zabaikal kray,because the region is located beyond Baikal

2. In our kray a lot of wild rosemary,so it is called the kray of wild rosemary

3. Many writers are called our kray is exiles kray because in our kray were deported thousands of People

4. Some people call him the cloaca due to poor infrastructure and low opportunity

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