Logo Background & Deliverables

Logo Background & Deliverables

1. Logo Background & Deliverables

Logo Background & Deliverables
• Company name: 3Deception, LLC. The play in the letters is the double meaning for the “D” e.g. 3D
• Background: the product will be used primarily for tree-stand and blind whitetail deer hunting, but could
also be used for turkey hunting, photography or nature watching
• Purpose: the purpose of the product is to break up shapes and destroy silhouettes, hindering detection for a
hunter, photographer, or outdoor observer to maximize his or her opportunity to get closer to nature. This
technology employs disruptive patterning (aka disruptive coloration, disruptive camouflage, disruptive
countershading, etc.). More information on this technology can be obtained by a quick Google search
• Look and feel: I want the design to be clean, crisp, sophisticated, and tasteful and to incorporate an owl
camouflaged into a tree similar to this http://www.boredpanda.com/camouflage-owl-photography/
• Artistic creativity needs to be brought to the design and marketing incorporating the concepts of disruptive
patterning and how it significantly enhances a person’s ability to remain undetected when hunting, taking
pictures, or nature watching.
• Target audience: hunters, photographers, nature observers
• Deliverables & Expectations:
• High resolution images to incorporate into a website, stickers, and packaging materials
• Original files


Nature’s Ultimate Concealment System
Without system
With 3Deception System
• 3Deception’s concealment system utilizes the concept of disruptive patterning to
break up shapes and destroy silhouettes, hindering detection to maximize your
hunting, photography, or outdoor observation opportunity.
• Engineered for durability and designed for tree-stand, ground, tower, and blind
set ups.
• Set up is simple and quick - find and cut a branch to fit inside the 3Deception
system. Strap the system to a branch and insert the cut branch. Use the
honeycomb design to attach the system to your blind. Be prepared to get close to
Patent Pending
• For more information and helpful tips scan the QVC code or visit


Set up is quick and simple
1.Find a branch to match the environment and cut to a width slightly smaller than the inside
diameter of the concealment system. For fall, Oak trees have a tendency to keep their leaves
long into the winter making them a preferred choice. In Spring, your choices are abundant.
2. Strap the concealment system to a branch between you and your shooting or observation
lanes, generally within a few feet of you is ideal.
3. Insert the cut branch into the concealment system and position to maximize concealment
and shooting opportunity.
4. Sit back, stay quite, and prepare to get closer than ever to wildlife.
The more 3Deception concealment systems you use the more your silhouette will be destroyed
making it harder to be detected and making you a more effective hunter, photographer, or
nature observer for when the trophy of a lifetime presents itself.
Disclaimer: This product is designed to hold small branches, not other objects. Do not place the
concealment system above anyone, including yourself. Always use a tree-stand safety strap when
installing the system. The use of the product may result in close encounters with wildlife. Use at your own


Nature’s Hunting Concealment System
• Destroys silhouettes making it harder to be
detected by your prey
• Engineered for durability and designed for
tree-stand, ground, and blind set ups
• Each season you may only have seconds for
the right shot. Put the odds in your favor
With 3Deception
• Strap the concealment system to a branch or
attach to your blind between you and your
shooting lanes. Insert a cut branch into the
concealment system and position to maximize
concealment and shooting lane opportunity
• Sit back, stay quite, and prepare to get closer
than ever to wildlife
• For more information and setup tips visit
• Disclaimer: This product is designed to hold small
branches, not other objects. Do not place the
concealment system above anyone, including yourself.
Always use a tree-stand safety strap when installing the
system. The use of the product may result in close
encounters with wildlife. Use at your own caution
3Deception, LLC
For more information and setup tips scan the QVC code or
visit www.3Deception.com
Patent Pending
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