«Health is wealth»
Guess the riddles!
Put the words into right order and read English proverbs
Category: medicinemedicine

Health is wealth

1. «Health is wealth»

2. Guess the riddles!

A little ball can reach the sky
These two brothers live not very far apart;
One of the left, one of the right;
But they never see each other
It lives alone between two bright stars
A thick forest which grows as fast as it is cut down
It always beats and hops,
It never sleeps or stops:
And never we part with our little …


A physician
A surgeon
An oculist
A cardiologist Хирург
A doctor
A pediatrician Медсестра
A nurse
A dentist
Зубной врач

4. Put the words into right order and read English proverbs

better, than, is, wealth, health (Health is
better than wealth)
bed, and, wise, man to early to, wealthy,
makes, early, to rise, a (Early to bed, early
to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy, and
аn/ keeps / a/ day / apple / away/ doctor /
away/ (An apple a day keeps a doctor away).


I wish you to be happy. I wish you to be
healthy. I wish you to be kind.
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