Category: cookerycookery

Shubat (chal)



Shubat (chal) - a traditional drink of Kazakhs, obtained from camel milk.
In comparison with koumiss, it has a higher fat content (up to 8%). This is
a perishable product, which becomes unsuitable for 5 days after
preparation. Because of the impossibility of extending the shelf life, the
shubat is practically not exported for sale.


In a wooden casket pour fresh
camel milk, pre-fill the leaven,
then tie or clog the lid, leaving
then to sour for a day. Shubat,
unlike koumiss, is not shaken,
but mixed well before serving.
Shubat is more dense than
koumiss and has a white color.



Shubat useful properties:
1. Saturates the body with vitamins, macro- and
2. Supplies unique proteins (up to 200 species), which
have antioxidant, antihypertensive, antithrombotic,
antimicrobial properties.
3. Normalizes the sugar level while simultaneously
meeting the body's need for a daily dose of insulin,
which is especially important for patients with type 1
diabetes mellitus.
4. Heals a severe allergy to food. Shubat shows antiinflammatory, hypoallergenic properties.


Harm Shubat
Traditional Kazakh cocktail is contraindicated in obesity, people with sensitive
intestinal microflora and individual intolerance to the product. Otherwise, you can
add weight, exacerbate existing problems with digestion, "deserve" diarrhea,
provoke an attack of allergy.


Shubat traditional drink of Kazakhs.
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