Categories: englishenglish geographygeography

Project “New Zealand’s Specials: A Future Sociologist’s View”


Project “New Zealand’s
Specials: A Future
Sociologist’s View”


Interesting facts about New Zealand
1) New Zealand became the first country
in the world, which introduced universal
suffrage. This happened in 1893. Since
then, men and women were free to vote
at all levels of the electoral process
2) New Zealand - the first country in the
world where three senior government
positions are held by women
3) In a country no one nuclear power
plant, as the government announced a
nuclear-free status
4) is the smallest species of dolphins
"Hector's dolphin" found only off the coast
of New Zealand.
5)New Zealand is the most peaceful and
secure country in the world


The invention of New Zealand
In New Zealand, we invented a table that you can always carry with
them.New Zealand Refold startup has created a unique desk that lacks all
of the above disadvantages. Firstly, it is made of sturdy cardboard,
therefore it weighs 6.5 kg. Secondly, it can be easily folded to the size of a
small suitcase and a carry..


Researchers from New Zealand invented the so-called bionic legs for people
bedridden palsy.


New Zealand's Martin Aircraft Company has invented a personal
aircraft.Now, anyone can get up and fly. Jetpack only need to put on the
shoulders..The machine can reach speeds up to a hundred kilometers
per hour. A pilot's license to fly it is not necessary, because the controls
are simple.The company believes that the pack will solve the problem of
traffic jams in big cities.


Places,which we can visit in four-day trip about NZ:
Franz Josef Glacier


Sky Tower


Waitomo Caves


Bay of Islands


Huka Falls
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