My favorite celebrations
The Wellers have friends who live in Hawaii. Once the invited the Wellers to a Hawaiian party
The Hawaiian party
Build to every sentence general and special questions!
What were you doing at 6 o’clock yesterday?
What tense were we speaking about?
Today we will know the next holiday!
The Chinese New Year Celebration
The Trafalgar Square
The Leicester Square
Read the story and say!
The Past Progressive and the Past Simple Tenses
Open the textbooks at the page 86!
Category: englishenglish

My favorite celebrations

1. My favorite celebrations

2. The Wellers have friends who live in Hawaii. Once the invited the Wellers to a Hawaiian party

• What were they doing during the party?
1) They were sitting on the ground around all evening.
2) Melanie …( listen to) Hawaiian music all day long.
3) The children …(dance with bows and garlands) from 5
till 6 yesterday.
4) The mother … (cook) the traditional dish- Indian tacos
all day long.
5) All people ….(perform) a hula ( Hawaiian dance)

3. The Hawaiian party

4. Build to every sentence general and special questions!

1) They were sitting on the ground around all
2) Melanie was listening Hawaiian music all day
3) The children were dancing with bows and
garland from 5 till 6 yesterday.
4) The mother was cooking the traditional dishIndian tacos all day long.
5) All people were performing a hula ( Hawaiian

5. What were you doing at 6 o’clock yesterday?

To listen to music
To do the homework
To help my mother and father
To go shopping
To play computer games
To read different interesting books
To chatting with friends on mobile phone
To write messages in Net

6. What tense were we speaking about?

Past Simple
Past Progressive
Present Progressive
Present Perfect

7. Today we will know the next holiday!

The Chinese New Year Celebration – the most
interesting event in London
Open your textbooks at page 85!
Write down the new words!
A celebration – празднование
The Leicester Square – *
The Trafalgar Square – *
To go off – выстрелить, выпалить
When - когда
While - в то время как

8. The Chinese New Year Celebration

9. The Trafalgar Square

10. The Leicester Square

11. Read the story and say!

• What did Oliver Atkinson see at the Chinese
New Year Celebration?
He saw….
How does Oliver describe events in the past?
What forms did he use?
What tenses will we study at our lesson today?
(Past Simple, Past Progressive, Present Simple,
Present Progressive)

12. The Past Progressive and the Past Simple Tenses

• Мы говорим о действии в определенный
момент в прошлом (Past Progressive) и этот
момент может быть выражен более коротким
действием в прошлом (Past Simple)
• Past Progressive - действие не завершено
• Past Simple (короткое действие) – завершено
• When I came to Trafalgar Square, people were
dancing there.
• I came to Trafalgar Square when/ while people
were dancing there.

13. Open the textbooks at the page 86!

Let’s do the Ex 2 ( 1, 2)

14. Homework

• Build 10 sentences in Past Simple and in Past
Progressive Tenses!
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