Category: financefinance

Improving the functioning mechanism of various segments of the securities market


Improving the
mechanism of various
segments of the
securities market
Kislyakovskiy Anton DAF 107


Presentation plan
Purpose of the study
Research objectives
The main idea of the work


The object of my research is the
mechanisms of functioning of the
securities market, in particular, such
segments as the bond market
(including corporate and
government bonds), the market for
derivative financial instruments
(derivatives), as well as the market for
secondary public offerings of shares.


Purpose of the study
Development of theoretical
foundations and practical
recommendations for improving the
functioning mechanism of selected
segments of the securities market to
ensure their sustainable development
and increase transparency.


Research objectives
1. Study the theoretical foundations of the functioning of the
securities market
2. Analyze the regulatory framework governing the securities
3. Carry out a comparative analysis of the mechanisms of
functioning of the securities market with international
standards and practices
4. Analyze the use of the securities market to attract
investment in the real sector of the Russian economy
5. Assess the technological aspects of market functioning,
including analysis of existing technological solutions and their
impact on market efficiency.


Research objectives
6. Explore the protection of investor rights and ethical
aspects of the securities market
7. Determine the role of regulators and supervisory
authorities in improving the functioning mechanism of
the securities market
8. Consider the possibilities of introducing new
technologies (such as blockchain, artificial intelligence,
big data) to optimize processes in the market
9. Analyze the development of fintech initiatives and
their possible integration into the structures of the
securities market


The main idea of the work
The main idea of this study is a comprehensive analysis
of the existing mechanisms for the functioning of the
securities market and the development of specific
proposals for their improvement in order to increase
the efficiency, liquidity and transparency of the market.
This includes a detailed analysis of legal regulation,
tools and practices used in various market segments, as
well as the study of international experience and
adaptation of best practices to the conditions of the
target market.


The main idea of the work
Issues and challenges
Among the key problems facing the securities market, one
can highlight the insufficient regulation of some market
segments, which leads to a legal vacuum and creates
conditions for manipulation and abuse. In addition, limited
liquidity, lack of transparency of transactions and low level of
protection of the rights of investors, especially minority
shareholders, are important obstacles to market
development. All this reduces the attractiveness of the
market for investors and slows down investment processes.


The main idea of the work
The scientific novelty lies in the fact that the research will contribute to the
development of the theory and practice of securities market management
- In-depth analysis and systematization of existing approaches to the
functioning of various segments of the securities market, with an emphasis
on innovative and little-researched aspects.
- Development and proposal of new methods and mechanisms for
optimizing the operation of the securities market, based on modern
technologies and data, which will increase its efficiency and accessibility.
- Introduction of an integrated approach to analyzing and improving the
functioning of the securities market, which contributes to the development
of various segments of the securities market.


In today's globalized economy, the securities market plays a
key role in ensuring the efficient distribution of capital
among its participants, stimulating economic growth and
development.. However, despite significant achievements
in the development of financial markets, there are
numerous problems and challenges that require in-depth
analysis and the development of new approaches to
managing and regulating the securities market. The study,
dedicated to improving the functioning mechanisms of
various segments of the securities market, is aimed at
solving these pressing problems.


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