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Ostrovsky gazebo


Summary on the topic:
Ostrovsky gazebo
On the banks of the Volga river near the station in
1956, it was built gazebo Ostrovsky . It stands high
above the river , on the mound , has been preserved
from the ancient trees of the Kostroma Kremlin.
Gazebo for its architectural forms reminiscent of
vintage garden and park gazebo in the Russian manors
. Arbor has seven columns .


If you go up in the gazebo , then you will see the amazing view of the Volg
So Alexander Ostrovsky long stood on the shore , admiring this magnifice


Life and work are connected with Kostroma Ostrovsky edge. Kostr


There have been written by his famous works "The Forest", "The Las


Arbour Ostrovsky is famous for the fact that it "took off" in the movie
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