Category: literatureliterature

Seytiyeva A .Vikings




From the VIII to the XI century, the Vikings held in a panic the whole of Europe.
From Scandinavia, where the land is scarce, and the climate is severe, they
went in search of prey to other lands. Vikings raided coastal villages. They
seized horses and food, took church silver and gold, stole people in slavery.
Later the Vikings began to settle in the conquered lands. In Western Europe,
they were called Normans, and in Russia - the Varangians. Vikings were the
best shipbuilders of the time. On their high-speed vessels, they made far
journeys - they founded settlements in Iceland and Greenland. The Vikings
were the first Europeans who reached North America. Although most of the
Scandinavians were peaceful farmers, artisans and merchants, in memory of
Europeans there were robbery raids by the Vikings.



Viking's favourite weapon was swords and battle axes. Each soldier had a
wooden shield, and some wore armour. Viking leaders wore chain mail and
metal helmets.
Notable Vikings were buried in ships. The deceased’s relatives laid the body
under a wooden canopy on the deck. A mound was poured above the ship.
Sometimes the owner was buried with his dogs, horses and even slaves. The
dead warrior was burned on the funeral pyre sometimes with his battle boat.



Sometimes Vikings settled in noisy trading cities, for example in York (England).
But most families lived in separate farms in rural areas. They produced
everything they needed with their own hands. Women had more rights than
their contemporaries in other European countries. For example, they could
divorce at will.



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Group 1702 .
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