A letter from Jane’s mother
Past Simple Tense
Past Simple Tense
Helping at Home
Домашнее задание по трем уровням:
Category: englishenglish

To make a bed


to make a bed
to dust
to clean the carpet
to sweep the floor
to wash the floor
to repair
to water the trees
to cook
to go shopping
to answer the phone
to feed pets
to wash the dishes
to lay the table
to walk the pet
to water the flowers


Helping at Home

3. A letter from Jane’s mother

Dear friends,
I need your help. My daughter doesn’t help me.
Show what you did at home, then Jane will do
it too.
She will see that pupils like to help. They aren’t
lazy. And Jane will help me!
Thank you, boys and girls!
Jane’s mother


to clean the carpet
to sweep the floor
to dust
to make a bed
to wash the floor
to repair
to water the trees
to cook
to answer the phone
to go shopping
to feed pets
to wash the dishes
to lay the table
to walk the pet
to water the flowers
вытирать пыль
чистить ковер
подметать пол
заправлять постель
поливать деревья
отвечать по телефону
ходить за покупками
мыть пол
мыть посуду
накрывать на стол
выгуливать питомца
поливать цветы
кормить питомцев

5. Past Simple Tense

6. Past Simple Tense

wash – washed
help – helped
go - went
make - made
clean – cleaned
lay – laid
answer – answered
feed – fed
say – said
take – took

7. Helping at Home

I went shopping yesterday.
I go shopping every day.
I washed the floor yesterday.
I wash the floor
every week .
I washed the dishes yesterday.
I always wash the dishes.
I made a bed
I make a bed
every day.
I laid the table
I often lay the


Circle the answer:
The lesson was interesting / boring.
I worked hard / not too hard.
I took an active / a passive part in the lesson.
I understood everything / some material /
I was in a good / bad mood during the lesson.

9. Домашнее задание по трем уровням:

Программный: Упр.10 стр.83 заменить
картинки соответствующими словами
Полутворческий: написать письмо
Джейн о своих домашних обязанностях
Творческий: написать письмо Джейн о
своих домашних обязанностях и
нарисовать соответствующие картинки


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