Category: englishenglish

English lesson (конспект 3)


English lesson


1) The mission is possible
2) I’m able to do the tasks
3) Our new classmate is a bit friendly
4) There were lots of literate people
5) He’s always been an honest person
6) My essay is complete
7) It was a successful try to fix the broken car
8) It’s a regular ver
9) She’s experienced and needs more training
10) They can simply obey you
11) He was a wanted person at the party
NB! Don’t forget to change articles if necessary


1) When did the history of the Internet begin and what was its original
2) What’s the most popular service on the Internet, and how do people use
3) What’s the biggest problem with the Internet, according to the text?
4) Why is security a concern when using the Internet, particularly when
sending e-mails?
5) Is it possible to control all the information that travels through the
6) Does the author expresses a clear opinion about whether the Internet
has had a positive or negative impact on society?


Say how the Internet changed your life: for the
better or for the worse?
Give examples and say what are your main
reasons to use the Internet
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