Categories: englishenglish lawlaw

City Code Article 348


City Code Article 348
A person who brings a vehicle into a city park
is guilty of a violation,
which shall be punished by a fine of $100.


What if...
…a man drove his Chevrolet Lacetti into the park?
Should he be fined? Why or why not? What’s your reason?


What if…
…a woman drove a tourist bus into the park?
Should she be fined? Why or why not? What’s your reason?


What if…
…a woman drove her Harley-Davidson into the park?
Should she be fined? Why or why not? What’s your reason?


What if…
…a teenager was practicing his bicycle stunts in the park?
Should he be fined? Why or why not? What’s your reason?


What if…
…a child was riding his
toy fire engine in the park?
Should his parent be fined?
Why or why not?
What’s your reason?


What if…
…a girl was playing
with a “remote-controlled”
boat on a pond in the
Should she be fined?
Why or why not?
What’s your reason?


What if…
…a four-year old
carried a little toy car
In his pocket into the
Should his parent be fined?
Why or why not?
What’s your reason?


What if…
…a father pushed a baby in a
stroller into the park?
Should he be fined?
Why or why not?
What’s your reason?


What if…
A man with a disability
that left him unable to walk
came into the park in his
motorized wheelchair?
Should he be fined?
Why or why not?
What’s your reason?


What if…
…a boy on a “pogo stick” came
bouncing into the park?
Should he be fined?
Why or why not?
What’s your reason?


What if…
…an ambulance came into
the park to pick up an injured
Should the ambulance company
be fined?
Why or why not?
What’s your reason?


What is a “vehicle” in City Code Article 348?
Assume that the City Code does not define the word “vehicle.”
The dictionary defines the word ‘vehicle’ as “a thing used for
transporting people or goods, especially on land, such as a car,
lorry (=British English for “truck”) or cart.”


What is a “vehicle” in City Code Article 348?
Should a judge decide what a word in a code means, based on
what the dictionary says?
If not, how should a judge decide what a word in a code


What is a “vehicle” in City Code Article 348?
Review your answers to the questions in the preceding slides.
The answers to the questions, “Should he/she be fined?” are
your “precedents”.
Based on your “precedents”, complete the following “rule”:
“In City Code Article 348, a ‘vehicle’ is a…”
Write down your rule and bring it to the lesson on 11/4/23.
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