Category: ConstructionConstruction

Сonstruction Materials Engineering. Lecture 1.1


Department of technology of
structural materials and material
The lecture course
«Сonstruction Materials
Professor of metal science and heat treatment
Part І. Metallurgy ferrous and nonferrous metals
and alloys


Lecture 1.1. Сonstruction Materials Engineering
is a discipline deals with the methods of engineering materials
production and their processing for obtaining the purpose of the parts
with specific characteristics and configuration suitable for the use in
machines and structures. This course allows to do the optimal choice for
obtaining products with the most suitable materials.
The discipline “Construction Materials Engineering" consists of the
following major sections:
1. Metallurgy;
2. Foundry;
3. Materials processing pressure;
4. Welding;
5. Obtaining amorphous and composite materials;
6. Production of non-metallic materials;
7. Machining (metalcutting).


The aim of the discipline is to give knowledge about modern
technologies in metallurgy, foundry, metal forming, welding, metal
cutting and introduce the prospects of the development and improvement
of technological methods for obtaining and processing materials.
Metallurgy industry deals with metals extraction from ores.
Metals in ores are mostly chemically bounded. Metals are regenerated
and refined at high temperatures in special aggregates.
Foundry deals with manufacturing parts or components by filling
liquid metal in mold cavity corresponds to the configuration and size of
future castings. Foundry includes mold and core mixtures preparation,
molds and cores production, metal melting, filling molds by liquid metal,
casting removal from molds and casting surfaces cleaning. Castings are
made of cast iron, steel, aluminum, copper, titanium, magnesium, zinc
alloys, etc.


Metal forming is billets’ production with the use of plastic
deformation of metal. Metal is processed by pressure in hot and cold
states. The process is highly productive and economically profitable. The
most common types of metal forming include rolling, drawing, pressing,
forging, sheet and die pressing.
Welding is the process of obtaining permanent connection billets
through interatomic bonds in place of their connections. Such relations
are realized when welded billets’ edges are closed to interatomic
distances as a result of local melting and following crystallization or
under the pressure. The most widespread methods are arc welding,
electrocontact, electroslag, electron beam, gas welding.
Machining (Metalcutting) is the process of separating the layer
of metal from the surface of a billet in the form of cutting chip for the
purpose of getting the necessary shape, size and surface quality.


Metals are called substances with a crystalline structure, specific
metallic luster, high plasticity, high electrical and thermal conduction.
Among 106 elements of Mendeleev's periodic system 76 elements are
metals. The most widespread metals are aluminum (Al=8.8%) and iron
(Fe=4.6% of the earth crust mass) in nature.
Metals are divided into ferrous ['ferəs] and nonferrous [ˌnɔn'ferəs]
metals. Ferrous metals are iron and its alloys - steels (C <2.14%) and
cast irons ['kɑːstaɪən] (C = 2,14-6,67%). These alloys have low cost,
good technological and mechanical properties.
Nonferrous metals are considered to be all other metals, except
ferrous. The technique is used about 70 non-ferrous metals. The most
widely used are aluminum [Al-ə'luːmɪnəm], copper [Cu-'kɔpə],
magnesium [Mg-mæg'niːzɪəm], titanium [Ti-tɪ'teɪnɪəmˌ taɪ'teɪnɪəm],
nickel [Ni-'nɪkl], lead [Pb-led], zinc [Zn-zɪŋk], tin [Sn-tɪn],
molybdenum [Mo-mə'lɪbdənəm], tungsten [W-'tʌŋstən], cobalt [Co'kəubɔːlt], tantalum [Ta-'tænt(ə)ləm], zirconium [Zr-zɜː'kəunɪəm],
niobium [Nb-naɪ'əubɪəm].
Any metal with additional chemical
elements (mainly metals) forms a new substance with property complex
which is called an alloy.


Methods of metallurgical production
Metallurgy deals with mining of metals from ores, their reduction
from chemical compounds, waste separation and production of different
alloy materials.
Methods of extraction metals from ores are the following:
1. Pyrometallurgical or fire method. Metals from ores are restored at
high temperatures and are separated from the waste in the molten
state. This method is used for obtaining cast iron, copper and other
metals and alloys.
2. Hydrometallurgical method is washing by flotation or leaching
[ʹli:tʃıŋ] of metals from ores and subsequent ['sʌbsɪkwənt]
sedimentation from solution by electrolysis or other methods. This
method is used for the extraction of copper, precious ['preʃəs] and
uranium [juə'reɪnɪəm] metals.


Methods of metallurgical production
3. Using Electrometallurgical method they extract metals by
smelting or metal charge in electric furnaces or by electrolysis of salts
solutions and other metal compounds. This method is used in the
production of aluminum, copper and other metals (for example,
aluminum from alumina Al2O3).
4. Chemical and metallurgical method is used in the
production of titanium, niobium, vanadium, zirconium. For example,
titanium is obtained by the restoration of ТіС14 by magnesium and
further melting in electric arc furnaces.
5. Powder metallurgy is used for obtaining of products based on
the refractory metals (W, Ta, Nb, Mo) or their compounds. The methods
of powder metallurgy are used in metallurgy and production of metal
materials with special physical and chemical and technological
properties that can not be obtained by melting or casting.
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