Category: englishenglish

These are photos from your photo album


These are photos from your photo album.
Choose one photo to describe to your friend.
hoto 1
Photo 2


You will have to start speaking in 2 minutes and will
speak for not more
than 2 minutes (12–15 sentences). In your talk remember
to speak about:
1) where and when the photo was taken
2) what/who is in the photo
3) what is happening
4) why you keep the photo in your album
5) why you decided to show the picture to your friend
You have to talk continuously, starting with:
“I’ve chosen photo number… ”


Listen ,Ann! You asked me to show you my best photo long
ago. Here is my photo album and this is my favourite photo.
Let me tell you about this photo.
1.I took it ……… when I was……
2/3.In the picture you can see….. ( action, appearance,
4.The reason I keep this photo is that on that day…..
5.This photo is among the few of those documented memories.
The memory this photo represents is also the reason why I
decided to show to you.
That’s all I wanted to say.
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