Legal Responsibility Правовая ответственность
Human Rights
Are You a Responsible Person? True/ False
Are You a Responsible Person?
Category: englishenglish

Legal Responsibility. Правовая ответственность. Интегрированный урок обществознания и английского языка в 9 классе

1. Legal Responsibility Правовая ответственность

урок обществознания
и английского языка в
9 классе

2. Human Rights

the right to life
the right to have a name and a nationality at birth
the right to education
the right to health and health care
the right to information
the right to have a rest and leisure
the right to privacy
the right to labour
the right to social welfare, etc.

3. Responsibility

Responsibility is taking care of
your duties.
Responsibility is answering for
your actions.
Responsibility is accountability.
Responsibility is trustworthiness

4. Responsibility

is a core value for
living honorably.
Responsibility is being
accountable for your behavior.
Responsibility is being dependable
when you have things to do

5. Responsibility

Ideas don't work unless we do.

6. Are You a Responsible Person? True/ False

I do what needs to be done.
I am reliable and dependable.
I am accountable for my actions;
I don't make excuses or blame others.
I fulfill my moral obligations.
I use good judgment and think through
the consequences of my actions.
I exercise self-control.

7. Are You a Responsible Person?

I think I am/am not
a responsible person because:
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