Category: artart

Westminster Palace


Westminster Palace


One of the most beautiful
buildings in London is
Westminster Palace. It’s a huge
structure on the bank of the river
Thames in Westminster district
of London. The building connects
with the Trafalgar Square and
Whitehall Street.
Originally, from 1529 the palace has
been the English monarchs’ residence.
After the fire in 1834, the building has
been completely rebuilt and now it
serves as the place of British
Parliamentary meetings.


with the bird's flight



The new Palace of Westminster is one of the
largest in the world, but the artful decoration
of the facade allows it not to look massive. The
architect Augustus Pugin played a major role
in its exterior and interior design. The Palace
stretches along the river for 300 m, its complex
includes 1100 rooms, 100 stairs, 11 janitors



A significant event in the history of the
Palace of Westminster was the
Gunpowder plot of 1605. on November
5, the Catholic guy Fawkes and his
accomplices intended to blow up the
Parliament building during the opening
of its session by king James I. the
Rioters laid barrels of gunpowder in the
basement of the Palace, but did not have
time to execute the plan, as they were
discovered and arrested. Since that
time, the Parliament has had a
tradition: every year on November 5,
guards dressed in ancient costumes and
armed with halberds and lanterns make
a ceremonial tour of the entire building
of the Palace.
At the turn of the XVIII-XIX centuries,
as well as in the first quarter of the XIX
century, the old Palace was renovated,
but in the autumn of 1834, its building
was almost completely destroyed by fire.



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