Growth party
History party
Category: historyhistory

Growth party

1. Growth party

Viner Artem

2. History party

• Party of Growth is a centre-right political party in
Russia with representatives in several local
legislatures. Founded on 18 February 2009 as a
merger of the Union of Right Forces (partly, other
members joined to Solidarnost), Civilian Power and
the Democratic Party of Russia, the party's main
policy stances are liberal free market economy,
democracy and protecting the rights of the middle
class. Although widely regarded as a pro-Kremlin
party, it has already found itself in opposition to the
presidential administration on several occasions.


Right Cause was founded in November
2008 as a merger of three parties:
Union of Right Forces (SPS), Civilian
Power and Democratic Party of Russia.
SPS and Civilian Power were both
regarded as liberal parties, supporting
free market reforms, protection of
private property and a decentralized
federal government. The Democratic
Party also supported liberal values, but
its programme was more conservative
and nationalistic.


Party of Growth positions itself as a probusiness party in favour of free market
reforms, privatization, and protecting the
interests of the middle class. The party
supports "a broad application of the
elective principle", including direct
elections of mayors and a gradual return to
elections of regional governors. It also
supports lowering the threshold for election
into the State Duma from 7% to 5% (the
threshold was lowered in 2011). The party
platform calls for more control to the
legislative branch over the executive
branch, openness and transparency in the
government, and freedom of information.
In the economy, the party supports a model
entitled "Capitalism for All", which
emphasizes developing domestic demand
as the main prerequisite for economic
diversification, modernization, and the
growth of domestic production. The main
stimulus for the economy should not be
cheap labour, but high income levels.


• The first major election where Right Cause took part
was the Moscow City Duma elections in October
2009. The party was predicted to receive between 58% of the vote, but only managed to register one
candidate, who was soundly defeated. Many
commentators that assumed that this was part of an
effort by city officials of Yury Luzhkov's
administration to restrict the chances of opposition
parties, many Right Cause members blamed the
party leadership for not properly organizing the
registration and campaign.
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